Home made face mask with 100% great results.

in #hive-1036783 years ago

Beauty routine and skincare is such an important aspect of life as no matter what your gender or choices in life are, you should definitely not hesitate from having a good skincare routine.

Being an Indian I have always been taught about what our ancient ayurvedic ways are to take care of our body. My gandma used to make a paste out of products used in kitchen for her face. She taught me her beauty routine, which my mum and I follow frequently.


Today, I would like to share the routine with you all and I can guarantee you a better and healthy skin within weeks with literally zero side effects and it works on all skin types.

The ingredients required-

  1. Gram flour - This comes in powder format and is easily available all across the globe, It helps in lighten skin, removes unwanted tan, removes acne and fades acne scars, removed dead cells, has anti aging properties and pairs up with variety of ingredients without any side effects.

  2. Turmeric- Turmeric is a proven healer, gives you clear glowing skin, contains anti-inflammatory enzymes, clears up skin patches, removes dead cells and so much more, thus turmeric is not just good in food but on skin as well.

  3. Oil- Be it coconut, olive or pure ghee, you can add in any oil of choice and availability. Each oil has it's own benefits but the most important reason behind using oil in the mask is to bring in some softness and oil grease so that the mixture should not get stick firmly to the skin after getting dried up.

  4. Milk- You are vegan or not, add in your choice of milk to the mixture as milk has enormous amount of benefits for the body.

That's it.


Take one and a half tablespoon of gram flour in a bowl.


Now, add in half tablespoon of turmeric powder and oil, here I added ghee (Clarified butter) but you can add in olive oil or any choice of oil.


Add in one tablespoon of milk and mix these ingredients well until they turn out to be a semi thick paste just like this-


If you're thinking that this would stick , trust me it won't. This is the best mask and a treat for your skin. just apply this paste on to your face with brush or your hands and leave it for about 5-6 minutes or until it gets dried up.
Use it once or twice a week and I can guarantee you a clear and healthy skin within a month or even less.



Apply and forget about it, either you can take rest or you can keep working. let it get dried up and wash you face with water and pat dry.
Do not apply anything because your skin will be moisturised and soft.

There is no filter over these pictures, and I have applies a thin eye liner to my eyes and that's it. it's actually a bare face. You can still see my dark circles faintly, but yes this is bare skin and I have clicked these pictures after washing the face.

I have witnessed so many changes on my skin after using this home made face mask and it was wonderful to share this with everyone on #hive platform.

What is your go to skin care routine?


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I do the exact same thing minus the milk and it works miracles 😭

Truly it does.
Thank for your comment, have a great day:)

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I might try this mask, it seems easy and great.
Great post buddy!

You should try it buddy!

The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism

The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism

The people doing V2K want me to believe it is this lady @battleaxe Investigate what she has been up to for 5 years. Its the next step to stopping this. Make her prove where she has been for 5 years or where she is now. She is involved deeply with @fyrstikken and his group. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant say she is the one directly doing the v2k. Make her prove it. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Make @battleaxe prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the v2k in me is being broadcasted from her location. @battleaxe what is your location? https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism

What a friend! Grandma's wise recipes help you bring out more of your natural beauty. Blessings my dear friend.

Thanks friend for your wonderful comment, You can try this as well it have no side effects.

If you say so then I should try it 😁

Hello friend @sahiba-rana I greet you with respect and affection from the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Thanks for sharing Grandma's recipe. The mask looks easy to prepare, I think because of the flour and turmeric, it is an exfoliating facial cream, it is a natural cleanser that helps remove dead cells from your face, thus allowing hydration to penetrate deep into the skin; Excellent. However, you are a beautiful, beautiful, pretty, cute young woman... who, for now, does not need any cream because you shine with your own light, your skin looks very fresh, you are naturally radiant. Receive a strong spiritual hug full of blessings, positive energy and lots of light.

Hola amiga @sahiba-rana Te saludo con respeto y afecto desde la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Gracias por compartir la receta de la abuela. La mascarilla se ve fácil de preparar, creo que por la harina y la cúrcuma, es una crema exfoliante facial, es un limpiador natural que ayuda a retirar las células muertas de tu rostro permitiendo así que la hidratación penetre en profundidad de la piel; excelente. Sin embargo, tu eres una joven hermosa, bella, bonita, linda... que, por ahora, no necesita de ninguna crema porque tu brillas con luz propia, tu piel se ve con gran lozanía, eres radiante de manera natural. Recibe un fuerte abrazo espiritual cargado de bendiciones, energía positiva y mucha luz.

Thank you friend @marcosmilano71 it is quite generous of you to appreciate me. I am humbled.
actually the mask is pretty good and effective.
Thanks again for your kind words and wishing you great weekend:)