To be honest, I didn't expect everybody to jump on the 20% APR gravy train so quickly, I imagined there would be more debate and whatnot, but alas here we are, able to generate some serious monnies just by sticking HBD into savings and maybe clicking the claim button once a month to redeem the rewards. That's quite a deal ,especially if you're lazy and lacking in enough brain cells to get into the the whole defi thing, like I am obviously.
Of course everybody and their grandma is talking about the new sweet APR at the moment, but I hope the HBD gospel won't just remain in the Hive eco-chamber, and that the news will reach other crypto communities. My presence on traditional social media is almost non existent so I can't help a lot in that department but I can give everybody a free idea. A lot of crypto users, myself included, use brave as a main browser, we could pay for brave ads telling people about our new shiny 20% APR. In my opinion it's a pity that the Hive ecosystem is not advertised more, because I'm sure there are many more people out there that would be bring value to the party and also enjoy plebbing around here.
Speaking of value, there is the hope that investors would start buying HBD and Hive ( to convert to HBD ), but I don't see many signs of that happening at the moment even if it's very early in the APR game. I expected some people to make their move right away and that to be reflected in the price of HBD being a bit higher than it is now. I think that's partly due to the word about the 20% APR not spreading around too fast outside Hive and partly because things can potentially change in a matter of hours. If witnesses would decide to drop the APR back down to let's say 5% that would mess up a lot of long term plans. That's why I was hoping to see like a consensus or something about the APR not being subject to change for a certain amount of time, like a year for example, after that the APR could be reevaluated according to it's impact on the ecosystem.
While super awesome, I don't expect the 20% APR for HBD savings will fulfill it's true potential for the ecosystem if it's not accompanied by more advertising, clear and well communicated plans for its future, and maybe a more stable-ish HBD.
It will be interesting to see what happens after we get out of the current market slump, maybe the news about our shiny new toy will be spread by word of mouth and HBD will become trendier than Musky boy's meme coin, a pleb can dream I guess.