Earning crypto the lazy way

in #hive-1040242 years ago

The thing I like most about Hive is the fact you can earn crypto while doing absolutely nothing. Some of you might be thinking : "You lazy buffoon, go out there and make people laugh instead of sitting on your ass". But here lies the dilemma, when real life demands most of your time and attention, how much are you willing to spend making meme posts for a few bucks ? Because Hive has not and will not come close to paying the bills for the foreseeable future (at least in my case ), no matter how much hopium we collectively inhale.

Sure, Hive remains the best place to earn crypto without spending a dime, I said this so many times that it might be the first thing to come out my mouth if you wake me at night and ask about crypto. And with incremental improvements Hive is slowly but surely becoming better which each hard fork, but without any publicity or hype it will continue to fly under the radar for better of for worse.

Speaking of places to earn magic internet money, besides Hive I have been also collecting the daily and weekly rewards on Torum. Some people like that platform but for it has always given me a "shady" kind of vibe. Still, clicking a few buttons once a day to earn some pennies is not that bad even for busy buffoons. So far I've reached 348 XTM (which stands for "eXactly Trash Money") worth about 8 green ones. Yup, pleb amounts but they might be worth something in the bull run so I'll patiently wait for the opportunity to exchange them for some stables.

Speaking of scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to getting a hold of some crypto, I've been very disappointed with the Brave browser.

I've been using brave for 5 years and this is everything I've earned, not even sure it covers all the gas fees needed to send that amount to a proper wallet. And yes, I have the correct setting for ads and shit. I still use the browser because I have a ton of useful bookmarks in it but otherwise I would ditch it for something else.

Last but not least, I should talk a bit about my plans on Hive. Like I said at the beginning of this post and in previous post, real life takes priority when it comes to spending hours shitposting. So I might be far less active than before, but as a general rule I'll post in weekends if at all. What has kept my morale up besides the nice price action Hive has recently experienced has been earning passive Hive and HBD on my alt account. Currently I'm earning about 1 Hive and 0.5 HBD per day just from curation and the HBD savings thingy, which is pretty decent for a pleb. I would have to put in some real work to match those numbers from regular posting.

For example, what this post will probably earn I will make passively on my other account in about 2-3 days. So justifying the time spent making post regularly especially when time is precious is not at all simple. But I will keep on clowning in the comments and posting some memes now and then.

Who knows maybe some huge upvotes might convince me to be more active, a pleb can dream I guess :)

If you are new to Hive you can sign up here:

hive blockchain.png

Also if you want to help a clown out and earn some crypto while doing that here are some other links:





What do you call a row of people lifting a giant mozzarella?
A cheesy pickup line.

Credit: reddit
@cmmemes, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @holovision.cash

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

Keep sucking those Dicks, one day we'll all be rich! Keep on memeing bro! Have an awesome weekend!

thanks for the encouragement :)

Keep sucking that juicy cock fren.

tastes yummy :)))))

It is cool that the compounding part of some tokens makes it possible to not post for your main earnings. Like sps,dec,glx, not to mention spinvest and lbi. I seam to be glued to Hive even if I dont post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if you have the time, there's nothing wrong with hanging out on Hive. Besides it adds to the number of daily users :)

I have been using Brave for a long time too and not worth trying to send the BAT...best just to look at it and hopeium one day it will go to the shibu moon.
But how do I earn passively, lazy at a better percent?
I am actively posting content and that is varied success but the passive. How does one make a better passive income if you would share please good sir.

I have on my alt account 4000 Hive power and 900 HBD earning APR. That's how I make magic internet money the lazy way :)


Ahhh yes but how do you get the 400HP to start....I assume you use Hive AutoVote?
And how do you keep the APR high on the account ....I seem to drop down to 2%APR often and then come up to 7 or 8APR
Do you self vote?

4000 not 400. I posted constantly for 2+ years and now the account is part of a curantion trail so automatic curation rewards

yes the extra zero helps tremendously.
It is getting part of the curation trails that I seek...the path to posting security on chain....until then it is a shooting match and a constant posting delight.
Thanks for the heads up. Sometimes the path is not clear here and that is good bad and difficult to navigate.
Any suggestions on getting part of these magical curation trails?

You can use hive voter https://www.hive.vote/ to link your account to a curation trail and then basically your account casts votes automatically as apart of that trail. So you don't have to manually vote. But it's worth it only if you have more than 1000 HP and are not that active, at least in my opinion

Yes I am using HV and trying to focus on artists up voting artist in a trail for emerging support. Various luck...I auto vote accounts a plenty...just trying to get the pool going so everyone votes.....Thanks for the info on the over 1000Hp . This clarifies a bit more . !PIZZA
Thanks for theartists

@cmmemes, @an-man(2/5) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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The dollar to time ratio makes posting not worth while financially for most. On the other hand its hard to get big votes if one doesn't have content to receive votes on. I find rewards to be better with a daily post, something I haven't kept up with and my blog rewards reflect that.

Life has been super hectic for me, new city, new house, new job, new responsibilities -it definitely has priority over magic internet money :)


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@an-man(3/5) tipped @cmmemes (x2)

Learn more at https://hive.pizza!