A luxury building in ruins

in #hive-104387last year



A pesar de su aspecto relacionado con la Europa del Este de los años 80, esta no es una postal de la antigua Yugoslavia o de la ciudad nuclear de Pripyat. Se trata de una construcción que data de los años 50, específicamente 1957 y está ubicada en La Habana, Cuba.

Luego del triunfo de la Revolución encabezada por Fidel Castro en Cuba, muchos edificios "burgueses" fueron incautados por el régimen, para luego dejarlos a la mano de Dios. Así pasaban décadas sin mantenimiento y eventualmente terminaban en la ruina.

Este es el caso del edificio de propiedad horizontal Río Mar, que ofrecía apartamentos de lujo con vista a la Bahía de La Habana y a su hermoso Malecón.

Hoy, en ruinas y deshabitado, se erige como un monumento al fracaso del proyecto de Castro, de construir un país donde estaría resuelto el problema de la vivienda.

Es una imagen curiosa y quizá hasta turística, pero al conocer la realidad Cubana, se torna triste, al saber que miles de Cubanos hoy carecen de un techo dónde guarecerse. Aunque, algunos se aventuran y se atreven a pasar la noche en este sitio.

Despite its appearance related to the Eastern Europe of the 80s, this is not a postcard from the old Yugoslavia or the nuclear city of Pripyat. It is a construction that dates from the 50s, specifically 1957 and is located in Havana, Cuba.


After the triumph of the Revolution led by Fidel Castro in Cuba, many "bourgeois" buildings were seized by the regime, and then left to the hand of God. So decades passed without maintenance and eventually ended in ruin.


This is the case of the horizontal property building Río Mar, which offered luxury apartments with views of the Bay of Havana and its beautiful Malecón.

Today, in ruins and uninhabited, it stands as a monument to the failure of Castro's project to build a country where the housing problem would be solved.


It is a curious image and perhaps even touristy, but knowing the Cuban reality, it becomes sad, knowing that thousands of Cubans today lack a roof where they can take shelter. Although some venture and dare to spend the night at this site.


All photographs were taken by me. iPhone 12 Pro Max.

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


Esa es la realidad de Cuba, estancada en los años 50 y cayéndose a pedazos.

Así mismo es, tristemente.

Wait is the building painted the same as the on abandoned?? They look some what alike just curios though

No, it's another in the same place, it just to show the ruins and the political propaganda contrast.

Ohhh i see now i understand, thought the were the same though they look so much alike