I don't know about before but lately, tweeter has been bringing up a whole lot of heat as it mostly relates to emotional encounters whether it's just a normal random thought or someone's experience.
Whichever case it may be, these trends are beginning to enlighten many youths shedding light of positivity in places of dark ignorance. I hope this does more good as time goes on to this easily misled generation 🙏.
What's my thought on religion?
First off, it's all about one's BELIEF and INNERMOST CONSCIENCE. Religion(more of an English word to me) is just there to like....differentiate the modes of service and worship to the all Supreme of one's belief.
And most of the time, we get carried away that only the Christians and Muslims are the legit "holy" worshippers leaving the Traditionalist out of the picture regarding to Religion.
Pls, don't get me all wrong with the mention of traditional worshipping; that's why I first made mention of belief and conscience.
What do I believe in and why's it so?
I strongly believe in TRUTH. Apart from asking God the numerous things I need in life, the ability to lead a truthful life will always top rank my list. And sincerely, it feels amazingly good when you don't have to be scared of something coming up and you having to lie to backup a previously told lie. 😂🤷
When it comes to relationship matters, I'd like to keep it plain, straight and truthful with my partner. I'd be mad, very angry to find out that someone keeps lying and lying to me. I wouldn't take it so I won't give out that attitude as well.
This is where conscience comes to play for me.
Now LOVE. I don't mean the usual intimate love between couples ooo but that intentional agapé LOVE for a fellow human, whether stranger or family. Why? Because it would be a total waste of sermon if we just lived like animals. No compassion, no heartfelt pity.
No matter how I'll want to stress on this religion stuff, it can't be overemphasized that only our purest of intentions (love for our fellow humans) gets to the heavens, to the Almighty with reciprocating blessings.
My beliefs; Childhood based or adjustments as I grew?
The foundation of everything I know and uphold are all charitable childhood teaching. These beliefs only grew stronger as I matured.
While I was a kid, I've always been taught to love my neighbor as I did myself. Growing up had me exposed to scenarios that made me stan that childhood teaching.
During childhood, "if you lie, you'll go to hell". Maturity makes me realize how complicated life would be when you start to lie.
So I'd generally say childhood and adulthood both worked side by side for me.
Religious beliefs: A deal in a relationship for me?
Well, having someone who supports you in anyway and shares similar beliefs with you is a match made in heaven lol.
I wouldn't be at ease if I were to court someone then later begin to blab about his religion being different to mine. No offense but if I be a Christian (Catholics precisely), I'll only form a serious relationship with one who's also a Catholic.
Moreover, there is this ideology I've come to accept, that children with parents of like minds tend to grow up with less issues regarding tribe or religion compared to kids of parents from different religions.
I'd not like to see my babies under pressure of such things so I want to help them live hassle free and comfortably happy.
....pen dropped and peace 😁❤