Hey my beautiful friends. How are you guys doing? Hope you guys are doing well. Can you imagine? August is almost over! Ah ah, what's the meaning of all these? Where's all the time suddenly running to? It's well oh. We are glad to at least be alive.
Waking up this morning, I began to ponder in my head about atheism. For some time past, I've been watching arguments between hellbent atheists and Christians. Yes, I am a Christian. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and redemption through His blood (and so all the points I'll be mentioning in this post as regards to the invalidity of the argument in favour of the non-existence of "a god" will be based on my belief in Him, the one true God). I've come to realize that of a truth, anyone that believes that there is no God is a fool, not just because it is quoted in the Bible (Psalm 14:1) but because there are actually very tangible proofs of God's existence.
At times, some Christians might be asked to provide proofs of the existence of God and their response will be that "you should just have faith that He exists." Faith is very essential of course. When atheists demand for proof of the existence of God, what they expect is a series of scientific experiments and postulates coupled with mathematical equations that will better enlighten them. Failure to provide that gives them the conclusion of His non existence.
However, there are some clear proofs of God. In fact, they are too clear to miss. I have two objectives in mind for writing this post. Firstly, let it be enough concrete evidence for any atheist here (if there be) that there is in fact a God. Secondly, let it be a kind of reinforcement for Christians alike, so that they could, much better, prevail in the face of the opponents of their common faith when they arrive.
Proofs of the existence of God:
1. The Beginning of Everything
In 1923 an astronomer called Edwin Hubble discovered through a very large telescope that the spiral nebulae Andromeda is actually a galaxy. He then discovered that there are actually different galaxies apart from our Milky Way galaxy. This discovery made us know that we live in an immense universe and our planetory system is one of many. Then again, in 1926, he also discovered that these galaxies are actually moving away from us with a speed directly proportional to their distances from the earth. The universe is expanding.
This discovery explains that if the universe we are living in is actually expanding, then it cannot be eternal. What I mean is that if it's actually expanding, it means it actually had a beginning from which it began to expand from! Well, some scientists still won't agree that this beginning was the handwork of an eternal Being but rather an explosion that they call the Big Bang. You might have heard about the Big Bang before. You know, explosion that happened billions of years ago that birthed the whole universe, and so on. Well, if you believe in that, then keep on reading.
2. Beauty and order in creation
Think about it this way. If the universe came to be because of the Big Bang, then why is there so much complexity? Why is there so much order? Reason it this way. Just one explosion in the beginning of time created the Earth and all other planets along with the stars and every other heavenly body. That same explosion gave us laws like gravity and electromagnetism. That's totally insane. For there to be laws, there must be a Lawgiver.
The sun is close enough to the earth for us to get enough of it's heat but far enough from it so we won't fry to death. If the time taken for the Earth to rotate was a little longer, day and night would be longer which would make it impossible for plants to survive. If the Earth were as big as the sun, gravity on it would be increased about 150 times which would crush all life. The seasons come exactly when they are meant to. I'm talking about big stuff. How about the fact that every single cell in our bodies are specialized and work exactly how they are meant to for us to be alive. Doesn't that sound like the work of a great Creator? An explosion cannot do that. None of these things came to be on their own.
3. Consciousness and morality of man
If there is really no God, then where did our mind come from? There is no explanation as to how the physical workings of our brain and blood and cells could possibly give us emotions, feelings, awareness, thought, imagination and conscience. Would you say that we are just chunks of meat moving around? Why is it then that we have dreams and visions? Why is it that we can get hurt emotionally and can actually be aware of our inner self? The only explanation is that there is a God who has actually given it to us.
Notice that we are even different from other animals. Last time I checked, we don't like walking around naked. We have a sense that it would be embarrassing. Why don't dogs, or cats, or bears feel that way? Why is it that we have a sense of what is right and what is wrong? We know that lying is wrong. We also know that taking another person's life is wrong. However, we don't imprison the lions for taking zebras' lives. Why? The explanation for our knowledge of good and evil and our consciousness is also in the Bible. God made us in His image (Genesis 1:27) and that's where our consciousness comes from. For us to possess a sense of morality, there has to be a Supreme Being who has given it to us.
4. Life breeds life
This is my last point. Last time I checked, a stone can't reproduce a fish. Fire doesn't bring humans to being. Even if you don't accept my past points, this one is a very solid proof for the existence of God. Even if you don't want to believe in the God of the Bible, at least this should prove to you that there is a god. The people who believe in the eternity of the universe or the theory of the Big Bang still can't explain how life came to be.
Many scientists throughout the course of history have tried tirelessly to reproduce life in their labs but they all fail to do so. It is a truth that cannot be contended with that only life can produce life. If you say that the universe came to be by the Big Bang, then how did living things come to be? Can you represent life in a chemical equation? No! For there to be life in the universe means that there is indeed a greater Life that has produced it.
*edited on Canva
Let's Go Hive Naija!