So this weeks prompt or question for the week states thus:- If there is something you could change in the past, would you? If you could meet with ten-year-old you, what would you tell him/her? If there was just one advice you could give your younger self, what would it be ?
Well all these questions has the same answer to me.
If there's something I could change in the past what would that be, well that would be the emotional part of me because I am extremely emotional.
If I could meet with the ten year old me(which most probably will be my 20 year self), what will i tell her, well I would still tell her not to be too emotional
And if I were to advice my younger self what will that be, well the same thing is what I'd say, and I would say it this way:-
Dearest younger self I know youthful exuberance now encompass you so much that you tend to be blind to what the world has to offer to you but I'd say you hold on there's nothing in life;
Dearest younger self men flocks around you that you feel you've arrived, but no dear some if not all are wolves in sheep clothings, yes they are ready to tear you into shreds leaving you so shattered;
Dearest younger self if you continue or toe this way of men they will end up littering your soul with pieces of them, yes your soul will be pack full of scattered pieces of these men, which will in turn make your life amount to nothing;
Oh dearest younger self men will stain your white so it's better you focus now;
Yes focus, and I'd prefer you get closer to your maker because time is ticking;
Dearest younger self learn to say NO when necessary, yes learn to say NO without feeling bad for it, don't be too emotional that you allow shit into your space and life;
Dearest younger self the older version of you regret ever allowing emotions come into major decisions of her life🥺🥺🥺🥺;
Dearest younger self in other not to make the numerous mistakes your older self had made please harken to her advice for it will be better for you;
Seek for your creator while it's still day because night cometh when no one can seek Him.
This is sincerely from me to you, your older self.
Before I end I would love to say sorry for dropping my submission now, it's not long I saw this contest or post, I aslo seize this chance to call on @udygold to this contest
I remain
Thanks for engaging my blog