Democracy is very unique in a defined state or nation. It gives us the opportunity to change the world globally. Political scientist embraced democracy which is a vital part of any government setting.
Democracy could be traced to ancient Greece about thousand years ago. During that period, only Men in the city were allowed to take part in government by voting. Women and children were disenfranchised. The original form of democracy then was the direct democracy. The most common form of democracy today is the representative democracy, where the people elect government officials to govern on their behalf such as in a parliamentary and presidential democracy.
Democracy connotes friendliness, brotherliness, egalitarianism and feeling of belonging. It kick against authoritarianism, totalitarianism, fascism, despotism discrimination and nepotism. In order to guarantee peace, Nations of the world are of the view that democracy and other democratic principles should be sustain as to foster peace globally.
Democracy can be defined as a system of government in which all the adults of a country can vote and elect those who will rule them and represent them in decision making. Abraham Lincoln a one time America president defined democracy as the government of the people, by the people and for the people. This means that democracy provides institutions for the expression and supremacy of the people or popular will on basic issues bordering socio political decision and policy making.
Merits and relevance of democracy which makes a nation democratic
- Democracy embraces the principle of rule of law. Those representative in government rules according to the law. Democracy is against dictatorship.
- It encourages and promotes stability of the country. A bad government can be removed From office through the process of voting.
- Democracy broaden the vision of all are neutralizes the inherent selfish tendencies of the human mind.
- Democracy promotes equal opportunity for all. It guarantee equal opportunity for all citizens in all sphere of life. For example any one can aspire to lead the country.
- It encourages tolerance for the view of people in the opposition. The majority will have their way but the minority rights would be protected and will have their say
- Democratic government encourages free choice of leader. Every body including the less privileged have the opportunity to be party to the election of people that will represent them.
The essence of democracy is very important and can not be over emphasized. All hands must be on Deck to promote democracy globally.