“Te he prometido” es un clásico de la música romántica en español interpretado por el talentoso Leo Dan. La canción aborda el tema del amor no correspondido y la promesa de olvido que a menudo sigue a un corazón roto. La letra refleja la desolación de un individuo que ha sido dejado por su amante, quien se dispone a casarse con otra persona.
La letra de “Te he prometido” expresa la tristeza y la resignación de alguien que ha amado profundamente pero no ha sido correspondido. El narrador promete olvidar a su amante, a pesar del dolor que siente al verla casarse con otra persona. Es una canción que evoca emociones de nostalgia y desamor. Leo Dan, el talentoso cantautor argentino, logró transmitir la melancolía y la pasión de esta historia a través de su voz y su interpretación. La canción se ha convertido en un clásico y sigue siendo apreciada por su belleza lírica y su emotiva melodía.
Aunque no conozco los detalles personales detrás de la creación de esta canción, su impacto en la música romántica es innegable. A menudo, las canciones como esta se inspiran en experiencias personales o en las historias de otros, y es posible que “Te he prometido” también tenga una historia única detrás de ella.
Te he prometido " is a Spanish-language romantic music classic performed by the talented Leo Dan. The song addresses the theme of unrequited love and the promise of oblivion that often follows a broken heart. The lyrics reflect the desolation of an individual who has been left by his or her lover, who is about to marry someone else.
The lyrics of "Te he prometido" express the sadness and resignation of someone who has loved deeply but has not been loved back. The narrator promises to forget his lover, despite the pain he feels at seeing her marry someone else. It is a song that evokes emotions of nostalgia and heartbreak. Leo Dan, the talented Argentine singer-songwriter, managed to convey the melancholy and passion of this story through his voice and interpretation. The song has become a classic and continues to be appreciated for its lyrical beauty and emotional melody.
While I don't know the personal details behind the creation of this song, its impact on romantic music is undeniable. Often, songs like this are inspired by personal experiences or the stories of others, and it is possible that "Te he prometido " also has a unique story behind it.
Te he prometido, que te he de olvidar
Cuanto has querido, y yo te supe dar
Solo y herido, así me dejas
Sabiendo que mañana, iras con otro al altar
Llorarás, llorarás por tu capricho
Si yo sé que, es a mí a quien quieres
No podrás ser feliz con ningún otro
Pues conmigo, conociste el amor.
Te he prometido, que te he de olvidar
Cuanto has querido, yo te supe dar
Solo y herido, así me dejas
Sabiendo que mañana, iras con otro al altar
Llorarás, lloraras por tu capricho
Si yo sé que es a mí a quien quieres
No podrás ser feliz con ningún otro
Pues conmigo conociste el amor
Si el amor, si el amor
I have promised you that I will forget you.
How much you have wanted, and I knew how to give you
Alone and wounded, this is how you leave me
Knowing that tomorrow, you'll go with another to the altar
You'll cry, you'll cry for your whim
If I know that, it's me you love
You can't be happy with anyone else
For with me, you knew love.
I have promised you, that I will forget you
As much as you have wanted, I knew how to give you
Alone and wounded, this is how you leave me
Knowing that tomorrow, you'll go with another to the altar
You'll cry, you'll cry for your whim
If I know that it's me you want
You can't be happy with anyone else
For with me you knew love
Yes love, yes love
Video Editado en capcut/video edited in capcut
Video elaborado en un Vortex Z TAB 10/Video produced on a Vortex Z TAB 10
Microfono lavalier JH-043 tipo balita/JH-043 balita-type lavalier microphone
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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