in #hive-1057862 years ago

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We can only be strong and wise when we decide to forgive who we love in any circumstances. Things can be complicated sometimes but we all have to be strong in all because we aren't perfect (nobody is perfect). Being faraway can cause an unforgivable act because they do not know what they do at each other's absence as day bleeds to nightfall.

Day by day the heart withered due to the far distance between two loved ones. The heart can only kindled back when you decide to forgive your partner and putting the pains aside. Love is a sweet thing that people want to have, feel and witness.

Falling in love is an easy task but maintaining it is a bit difficult especially when it entails staying far apart. When you can't handle the opportunity of love you have, then it will easily slide off your hands. So to keep the love fire burning, there should be communication which is the key so it can last longer even during hard times to avoid heartbreak and a lot more damage.

Many people heart bleeds due to their partner's imperfection and also let their guards down in the process, but we got to forgive and forget each others flaw because nobody is perfect..
I'm glad you came in to listen to my entry for this week.
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Solo podemos ser fuertes y sabios cuando decidimos perdonar a quien amamos en cualquier circunstancia. Las cosas pueden ser complicadas a veces pero todos tenemos que ser fuertes en todo porque no somos perfectos (nadie es perfecto). Estar lejos puede causar un acto imperdonable porque no saben lo que hacen ante la ausencia del otro cuando el día se desangra hasta el anochecer.

Día a día el corazón se marchitaba por la lejanía entre dos seres amados. El corazón solo puede volver a encenderse cuando decides perdonar a tu pareja y dejar de lado los dolores. El amor es algo dulce que la gente quiere tener, sentir y presenciar.

Enamorarse es una tarea fácil, pero mantenerlo es un poco difícil, especialmente cuando implica permanecer alejados. Cuando no puedas manejar la oportunidad de amar que tienes, entonces fácilmente se te escapará de las manos. Entonces, para mantener el fuego del amor encendido, debe haber comunicación, que es la clave para que pueda durar más, incluso en tiempos difíciles, para evitar la angustia y mucho más daño.

A muchas personas les sangra el corazón por la imperfección de su pareja y también bajan la guardia en el proceso, pero tenemos que perdonarnos y olvidarnos de los defectos porque nadie es perfecto.
Me alegro de que hayas venido a escuchar mi entrada de esta semana.
¡Gracias por pasar!

▶️ 3Speak

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Wow, amigos que exelente presentación, fue hermosa, me gustó mucho , hacen un gran equipo gracias por compartir

great combo this. Love the mash-up. Kudos you guys

!discovery 22

Wao! I see that friend Obaro is bringing a lot of people to Hive!!!

I hope God willing your friend can give you the best tips to always bring good participations to the platform!!!!

You have nice voice, you should lose the fear of singing, always look to give the best of you!!!!

Thank you very much for participating!

God bless you!

What a beautiful interpretation from both of you! Obaro, brother what an excellent collaboration you have done with this beautiful girl, it is very humble of you, you did great! By the way this theme that you interpreted this brutal brother, and the space where you recorded is beautiful, go excellent my brothers, A hug for you God bless you!!!!!

¡Que hermosa interpretación de ambos! ¡Obaro, hermano que excelente colaboración has hecho con esta hermosa chica, es muy humilde de tu parte, lo hiciste genial! ¡¡¡¡¡Por cierto este tema que interpretaste esta brutal hermano, y el espacio donde grabaste es hermoso, vaya excelente mis hermanos, Un abrazo para ustedes Dios los bendiga!!!!!

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Hello dear friend, I welcome you to the Hive Open Mic, my fellow moderators previously greeted you, I hope you felt great in this 2nd presentation, the fear and shyness in front of the camera and a worldwide audience will be temporary, that will gradually disappear, the important thing is that you manage to master that very well, I know you will!

It has been a pleasure to see you with our dear Obaro, the chemistry between you is nice and well, I would also be intimidated singing next to him because he is a tremendous singer, but that should be a reason for joy for you because he will be a great guide in your process here in Hive!!!!

Congratulations, you sing well and you did a great job with this medley, I really like your vibe and I see that you have a lot of potential to explore, I hope you discover it and take it to the maximum and more if music is your passion, here you will learn a lot from the other participants too!!!!

You have a weekly task while you build your projection in this great family, I mean to visit the other participants to make yourself known and give you their support as time goes by, that is a process and you have to work on it from now on so you can enjoy this adventure to the fullest!!!

As for what you write, I think that long distance relationships are equally or more painful than when we are close to that person, it is relative, but it hurts a lot that love is over, certainly communication is important, I would add trust and respect, those 3 elements are vital to maintain a relationship, and what is the pleasure and the rest is in a 2nd plane, it is no less important, but it is not the essence of a relationship!!!!

I thank you for joining us in this edition of the Hive Open Mic, I wish you many successes, a pleasure to have met you ¡You Rock! 🙌😀💛

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