Hive Open Mic Week #108: True Colors by Phil Collins - Cover by/de @Peaq (ENG-ESP)

in #hive-1057862 years ago

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❤️🔷 ENG || English Version 🔷❤️

When I think of the term Undisclosed words, what comes to my mind are the words not made known, not stated, or rather left unsaid due to different reasons or situations.

There are situations in life that we deal with or face and we find ourselves caught up in a place where it feels better to leave certain things unsaid. However, with time those things might be required to be said or just taken to the grave.

It could be in our casual or platonic relationships. It could also be in our formal or professional relationships. It could also be in our intimate or romantic relationships. It could be in our family relationships. Whatever the case may be, these words are left unsaid and undisclosed to the recipient.


Looking at the theme for this week, I had a particular song that was on replay in my mind. The moment I uttered the first verse I just decided to go with the flow and before I realized it, I was done recording. And just like that, I chose to stick to it.

The song was originally by Cyndi Lauper, however, I would be doing the version by Phil Collins. It talks about a man who is encouraging a woman he is in love with to not bother about her external beauty. He makes her realize that her true beauty comes from within.

This is a song that encourages anyone suffering from insecurity, especially in regards to their outer beauty. Our insecurities are usually things we don’t share or barely share with others. How they make us feel are things we prefer to leave unsaid.

Hence, in line with the theme for this week, “Undisclosed Words”, I present to you “True Colors by Phil Collins”. I use this song to encourage you today concerning whatever insecurity you might be dealing with and you have left unsaid. Thank you for tuning in as always. Do have a beautiful day!


Genre: Alternative/Indie

Lyrics of True Colors by Phil Collins
You with the sad eyes
Don't be discouraged
Oh I realize
It's hard to take courage
In a world full of people
You can lose sight of it all
And the darkness, inside you
Can make you feel so small

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

Show me a smile then,
Don't be unhappy, can't remember
When I last saw you laughing
If this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
You call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

So sad eyes
Discouraged now

When this world makes you crazy
And you've taken all you can bear
Just call me up
Because you know I'll be there

And I'll see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors, true colors
Cos there's a shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors, true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Beautiful, like a rainbow

Show me your colors
Show me your rainbow
Show me your colors
Show me your rainbow
(That's why I love you)
Show me your colors
Show me your rainbow

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Steinberg William E / Kelly Thomas F


❤️🔷 ESP || Versión en español 🔷❤️

Cuando pienso en el término Palabras no reveladas, lo que me viene a la mente son las palabras que no se dan a conocer, que no se dicen, o que más bien se dejan sin decir por diferentes razones o situaciones.

Hay situaciones en la vida con las que lidiamos o nos enfrentamos y nos encontramos atrapados en un lugar en el que nos parece mejor dejar ciertas cosas sin decir. Sin embargo, con el tiempo esas cosas pueden ser requeridas para ser dichas o simplemente llevadas a la tumba.

Puede ser en nuestras relaciones casuales o platónicas. También podría ser en nuestras relaciones formales o profesionales. También podría ser en nuestras relaciones íntimas o románticas. Podría ser en nuestras relaciones familiares. Sea cual sea el caso, estas palabras no se dicen ni se revelan al destinatario.


Al analizar el tema de esta semana, había una canción en particular que se repetía en mi mente. En el momento en que pronuncié la primera estrofa, decidí dejarme llevar por la corriente y, antes de darme cuenta, ya había terminado de grabar. Y así fue como decidí quedarme con ella.

La canción era originalmente de Cyndi Lauper, sin embargo, yo haría la versión de Phil Collins. Habla de un hombre que anima a una mujer de la que está enamorado a no preocuparse por su belleza exterior. Le hace ver que su verdadera belleza viene del interior.

Es una canción que anima a cualquiera que sufra de inseguridad, especialmente en lo que respecta a su belleza exterior. Nuestras inseguridades suelen ser cosas que no compartimos o apenas compartimos con los demás. Cómo nos hacen sentir son cosas que preferimos dejar sin decir.

Por lo tanto, en línea con el tema de esta semana, "Palabras no reveladas ", les presento "True Colors de Phil Collins ". Utilizo esta canción para animaros hoy con respecto a cualquier inseguridad con la que podáis estar lidiando y que hayáis dejado sin decir. Gracias por sintonizarnos como siempre. ¡Que tengáis un buen día!


Género: Alternativo/Indie

Literatura de True Colors de Phil Collins
Tú, el de los ojos tristes
No te desanimes
Oh me doy cuenta
Es difícil tomar valor
En un mundo lleno de gente
Puedes perder de vista todo
Y la oscuridad, dentro de ti
Puede hacerte sentir tan pequeño

Pero veo tus verdaderos colores
Brillando a través de
Veo tus verdaderos colores
Y es por eso que te amo
Así que no tengas miedo de dejar que se muestren
Tus verdaderos colores
Los verdaderos colores son hermosos,
Como un arco iris

Muéstrame una sonrisa entonces,
No seas infeliz, no puedo recordar
Cuando te vi reír por última vez
Si este mundo te vuelve loco
Y has tomado todo lo que puedes soportar
Me llamas
Porque sabes que estaré allí

Y veré tus verdaderos colores
Brillando a través de
Veo tus verdaderos colores
Y es por eso que te amo
Así que no tengas miedo de dejar que se muestren
Tus verdaderos colores
Los verdaderos colores son hermosos,
Como un arco iris

Tan tristes ojos
Desanimados ahora
Date cuenta

Cuando este mundo te vuelve loco
Y has tomado todo lo que puedes soportar
Sólo llámame
Porque sabes que estaré ahí

Y veré tus verdaderos colores
Brillando a través de
Veo tus verdaderos colores
Y es por eso que te amo
Así que no tengas miedo de dejar que se muestren
Tus verdaderos colores
Colores verdaderos, colores verdaderos
Porque hay un brillo a través de
Veo tus verdaderos colores
Y por eso te quiero
Así que no tengas miedo de mostrarlos
Tus verdaderos colores, verdaderos colores
Los verdaderos colores son hermosos
Hermosos, como un arco iris

Muéstrame tus colores
Muéstrame tu arco iris
Muéstrame tus colores
Muéstrame tu arco iris
(Por eso te quiero)
Muéstrame tus colores
Muéstrame tu arco iris

Fuente: Musixmatch
Compositores: Steinberg William E / Kelly Thomas F

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Week in, week out, you keep giving us a nice presentation. I love your vibes and I love your presentation.

When are we going to duet na?

Thanks a bunch Sam.

When are we going to duet na?

I am ready when you are...

Wooooow!!! Who is this beautiful star with cute voice? I love this dear. Keep it up @peaq 😘 ♥

Thank you.
I appreciate it.

Woow beautiful friend what a great performance 😉
I liked it a lot 😌

Thank you very much...
I am glad you liked it!

Waoo!!! que voz mas hermosa, excelente interpretacion tienes una voz potente y afinada y de paso a capella!!! bendiciones!!!

Muchas gracias.
Le agradezco sus hermosas palabras.
Sólo puede mejorar.
Aún están por venir cosas más grandes.

Wow you have an amazingly fantastic voice @peaq, you sing without music but your voice tone is still perfect in the right tone, success for you @peaq

Thank you so much Doni.
It’s been a while…
I sincerely appreciate your sweet words.

Kai, whenever I see singers with sonorous voice like yours, I just become moved and challenged!
God when!!!
Good one as always @peaq

Thank you so much
I am sincerely grateful for your nice words.

I liked it too much 😍😍 this is great!!

Oh my dear.
Thanks a bunch.
I am grateful!

Just like every single video that you make singing this is wonderful. Your voice is magical

Thanks a bunch David.
I truly appreciate it.
Music itself is simply magical 😊😊😊

I heard this song for the first time from one of my favourite saxophonists, Gerald Albright in one of his albums.
Made me go check it out.

Great song, delivered by the beautifully voiced @peaq !

I like how smooth and breezy the song feels.
Yeah, this song has been done by a lot of artists.

Thank you so much! @draysax 😊😊

Nice Nice Nice, both your singing and the song, even tho I didn't know it prior to this entry.
Phil Collins seems to have had other of nice songs asides the "Find a way to my heart" which I really like..... Lemme just go check the next theme, I think I might have found my song

Phil Collins seems to have had other of nice songs asides the "Find a way to my heart" which I really like.....

This is truly a beautiful song.
I just realize that I heard it playing on the radio once.
I did not even know it was Phil Collins.

Lemme just go check the next theme, I think I might have found my song

I like the sound of that.
It's good to know inspiration comes from conversations like this.

this is wonderful just like your voice, incredible handling of the voice, you would be the best in a singing contest your voice is wonderful and natural it is beautiful thanks for this gift beautiful friend greetings and success

Ohhhh my,
What did I do to deserve words so sweet and kind?

I am super grateful.
Thank you so so much.
The plan is to keep improving daily.

Thank you for sharing this amazing post on HIVE!
  • Your content got selected by our fellow curator @stevenson7 & you just received a little thank you via an upvote from our non-profit curation initiative!

  • You will be featured in one of our recurring curation compilations and on our pinterest boards! Both are aiming to offer you a stage to widen your audience within and outside of the DIY scene of hive.

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If you want to support our goal to motivate other DIY/art/music/homesteading/... creators just delegate to us and earn 100% of your curation rewards!

Stay creative & hive on!

Thank you so much @diyhub

This is lovely..well done,your voice is really smooth and I could hear every word clearly. Keep blessing our ears💗✨, keep shining ❣️

You’re far too kind.
I will indeed keep blushing your ears as much as you love to tune in..
Thank you so much 😊

Always bursting the air with your bubbles.. nice one this time.

Thanks a bunch @heskay
Have you started voice training?

Yeah yeah.. but not that consistent. I have alot to attend to at a time

Oh dear, I understand.
Life is so busy and it is so much to catch up with.

But when you make time for it, how has it been going?

Well it has been all well and good tho... Catching the fun of it

I like the sound of that.
More grease to your elbow.

Yeah yeah...thanks my boss😄😄

Querida eres maravillosa, no nos cansamos de admirar tus entradas a capella que tanto te caracterizan, eres una diva y manejas la voz mixta de una forma muy profesional, esta canción es hermosa y la amamos!

Gracias! ha sido formidable esucharte! abrazos🥰💙😇🎤

Siempre me haces sentir que estoy haciendo lo correcto.

Muchas gracias.
Te agradezco profundamente tus siempre amables palabras de ánimo y motivación.

Que tu luz siga brillando aquí también.
Te envío un gran abrazo.

❤❤ beautiful voice and a beautiful song. Always love your pitch

Thanks a bunch @ebingo
I appreciate it.

This is yet another beautiful rendition!
I really like this song.
It takes me back to the good ole days...
I also enjoy this version by Phil Collins too.

Thank you so much hun...
It's an oldie but goldie...

This video was a hassle to upload...

I know you mentioned but it up now..
So the effort was worth it..
Keep it up and hang in there.

I guess so…
With your constant encouragement and support, I always feel the motivation to keep going against all odds.
Thank you for that!

That’s okay babygirl
Some days are a drag but I am here for you.
I’m always rooting for you.

Thank you always and forever hun
I sincerely appreciate you!

And you’re always welcome munchkin 😘

I know and that’s what makes me glad 😊

I love this, you have a really beautiful voice! Have a blessed day my friend.

Thanks a bunch.
A beautiful day to you too!

But I see your true colors
Shining through
I see your true colors
And that's why I love you
So don't be afraid to let them show
Your true colors
True colors are beautiful,
Like a rainbow

I see your true colours @peaq , they are shining a lot lot lot 🌟
But how nice choice of the song, and what singing??? Top-notch!!


Thank you very much Gab.

I am glad you enjoyed my song selection and my singing for this week's theme.
I am deeply humbled!
I sincerely grateful 😊😊😊😊

..and sincerely, I send some hugs towards you 🤗 🥂🎶🎶


Amiga sin duda alguna brillas con luz propia, que bueno como siempre tus entradas, con que naturalidad llegas a los agudos, me encanto el tema que elegiste la letra es hermosa 👏👏👏 te considero una gran artista🎶🎵🎤🎼💫✨🌟💖💯✌️🌹❣️💕Dios te bendiga🙏

Muchas gracias mi sonriente Reina.
Eres demasiado amable.

Tus palabras siempre me animan y me hacen sentirme emocionada.
Muchas Gracias.💫💫💫💫💫💫👌👌👌👌👌👌