Hive Open Mic Week #105: The Colors of Love by Boys II Men – Acapella Cover by @Peaq (ENG-ESP)

in #hive-1057862 years ago

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❤️🔷 ENG || English Version 🔷❤️

This week's theme was quite a really exciting one as my song options were endless. I thought of colourful and immediately, songs from all types of musical genres began to come to mind. However, I finally settled for one of them for several reasons.

Something that is colourful is full of colours. Colours in their simplest form have to do with the different pigments or shades of something. Colours are generally beautiful. Some colours appeal more or less to others. However, we can all agree that colours bring beauty, depth, dimension, contrast, tone, intensity, and so on to an object in focus or view.

I chose to represent today’s theme with this song because I love the vocal group that sang it, their tracks are ever timeless and were a hit back to back especially back in the days.


This group’s music can get you all mushy one moment and hyped the next. I loved the individual voices of the group members and of course, as a collective voice, their harmonies were simply impeccable.

Also, this song talks about a lonely guy who when he least expected, a special girl came along. At this time, he was at the lowest point in his life but she stepped in and stood beside him through it all even more than she knew. Through her presence in his life, he experienced true love in a beautiful new way.

Colourful here refers to how beautiful she is in and out and how much of that beauty she used to make his life colourful and brighten it up, especially through her expression of unconditional love for him. Plus he in turn appreciated it.

Hence, in line with the theme for this week, “Colourful”, I present to you “The Colors of Love by Boys II Men”. Thank you for tuning in. I hope you vibe and sing along with me as always. Do have an awesome day!


Genre: R&B/Soul

Lyrics of The Colors of Love by Boys II Men
I was lonely
I needed someone to see me through
And I was at the end of my rope
I needed someone to cut me loose

And then an angel out of the blue
Gave me the sense that I might make it through
And somehow I survived, with no rhyme or reason
And now I know I'll make it through the miracle of you

I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
(It's in the image of you)
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color of love is in you

Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
The colors of love, love, love

Like a bridge
Over troubled, troubled water
You stood beside me, stood beside me
And your love did not falter

And then the angel, the angel in you
Gave me the strength to know that I will get through
And that's how I survived, ain't no other reason
And now I know I'll make it through the miracle of you

I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you
I know the color of truth
(It's in the image of you)
If it comes from the heart
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color of love is in you (Is in you)

Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It's the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
(Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh)

So girl, I wanna thank you
I can't thank you enough
For showing me the meaning
The meaning of true love
When I was lost and so in need
You opened up your heart
When I needed you to comfort me
You opened up your arms
I couldn't face another day
You said, "Don't be afraid"
You showed my heart the showed me the way

I know the color of love
And it lives inside of you (It lives in you)
I know the color of truth
(It's in the image of you)
If it comes from the heart (Comes from the heart)
Then you know that it's true
It will color your soul like a rainbow (Like a rainbow)
And the color is in you

Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (Oh)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of (It's the colors)
Colors, the colors, the colors, the colors of
The colors of love, love, love
Oh, the color of you

Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Kenneth Edmonds

HOM 105.png

❤️🔷 ESP || Versión en español 🔷❤️

El tema de esta semana fue realmente emocionante, ya que mis opciones de canciones eran infinitas. Pensé en el colorido y enseguida me vinieron a la cabeza canciones de todo tipo de géneros musicales. Sin embargo, finalmente me decidí por una de ellas por varias razones.

Algo que es colorido está lleno de colores. Los colores, en su forma más simple, tienen que ver con los diferentes pigmentos o matices de algo. Los colores son, en general, hermosos. Algunos colores atraen más o menos a otros. Sin embargo, todos estamos de acuerdo en que los colores aportan belleza, profundidad, dimensión, contraste, tono, intensidad, etc. a un objeto enfocado o visto.

He elegido representar el tema de hoy con esta canción porque me encanta el grupo vocal que la canta, sus temas son siempre eternos y fueron un éxito de ventas sobre todo en su día.


La música de este grupo es capaz de ponerte sentimental en un momento y de excitarte al siguiente. Me encantaban las voces individuales de los miembros del grupo y, por supuesto, como voz colectiva, sus armonías eran simplemente impecables.

Además, esta canción habla de un chico solitario que, cuando menos lo esperaba, llegó una chica especial. En ese momento, él estaba en el punto más bajo de su vida, pero ella intervino y estuvo a su lado en todo momento, incluso más de lo que ella sabía. A través de su presencia en su vida, él experimentó el verdadero amor de una forma nueva y hermosa.

Colorido se refiere aquí a lo hermosa que es ella por dentro y por fuera, y a la cantidad de esa belleza que utilizó para dar color a su vida y alegrarla, especialmente a través de su expresión de amor incondicional por él. Además, él, a su vez, lo apreciaba.

Por lo tanto, en línea con el tema de esta semana, "Colorful", les presento "The Colors of Love by Boys II Men". Gracias por sintonizarnos. Espero que vibren y canten conmigo como siempre. Que tengáis un buen día.


Género: R&B/Soul

Literatura de The Colors of Love de Boys II Men
Me sentía solo
Necesitaba a alguien para verme a través de
Y yo estaba al final de mi cuerda
Necesitaba a alguien que me soltara

Y entonces un ángel de la nada
Me dio la sensación de que podría salir adelante
Y de alguna manera sobreviví, sin ton ni son
Y ahora sé que lo haré a través del milagro de ti

Conozco el color del amor
Y vive dentro de ti
Conozco el color de la verdad
(Está en la imagen de ti)
Si viene del corazón
Entonces sabes que es verdad
Coloreará tu alma como un arco iris (Como un arco iris)
Y el color del amor está en ti

Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de
Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de
Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de
Los colores del amor, el amor, el amor

Como un puente
Sobre aguas turbulentas, turbulentas
Te mantuviste a mi lado, te mantuviste a mi lado
Y tu amor no vaciló

Y entonces el ángel, el ángel en ti
Me dio la fuerza para saber que saldría adelante
Y así es como sobreviví, no hay otra razón
Y ahora sé que saldré adelante por el milagro de ti

Conozco el color del amor
Y vive dentro de ti
Conozco el color de la verdad
(Está en la imagen de ti)
Si viene del corazón
Entonces sabes que es verdad
Coloreará tu alma como un arco iris (Como un arco iris)
Y el color del amor está en ti (Está en ti)

Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de
Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de (Son los colores)
Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de
(Oh-oh, oh, oh, oh)

Así que chica, quiero agradecerte
No puedo agradecerte lo suficiente
Por mostrarme el significado
El significado del verdadero amor
Cuando estaba perdido y tan necesitado
Abriste tu corazón
Cuando necesitaba que me reconfortaras
Abriste tus brazos
No podía enfrentarme a otro día
Dijiste: "No tengas miedo"
Le mostraste a mi corazón el camino

Conozco el color del amor
Y vive dentro de ti (Vive en ti)
Conozco el color de la verdad
(Está en la imagen de ti)
Si viene del corazón (Viene del corazón)
Entonces sabes que es verdad
Coloreará tu alma como un arco iris (Como un arco iris)
Y el color está en ti

Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de (Oh)
Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de (Son los colores)
Colores, los colores, los colores, los colores de
Los colores del amor, el amor, el amor
Oh, el color de ti

Fuente: Musixmatch
Compositores: Kenneth Edmonds

Purple Femme Influencer Fashion and Beauty Livestream Youtube Thumbnail.png

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Siempre es un deleite para mis oídos escuchar tu hermosa voz, la cual sin entender el idioma me llena de tranquilidad y paz. Dios te bendiga tu potente voz. Se te quiere a la distancia 🙏🤗🌹

Muchas gracias mi amor.
Tú también eres amado.
Me alegra que hayamos podido conectarnos a través de una hermosa melodía como es la música.

Mucho amor y abrazos de mi parte para ti siempre.😊😊😊

Beautiful cover. Lovely 😊❤️🤔

Thank you so much 😊
I’m glad you liked it ☺️

You have a very beautiful voice and you know how to use it in a great way. Great song you share with us, it has been a delight to listen to you, Congratulations. Blessings and hugs

Thank you very much.
I am glad you are delighted to tune in.

Blessings and hugs to you too 😊😊


@tipu curate

Thank you so much Tobe 😘😘

Thank you 🙏🏼

well done @peaq. Keep peaking and soaring higher as usual

Thanks a bunch Danny 😊😊😊
The sky is the starting point.

I wish you even greater blessings!

The passion in your voice is something else... I can feel every of the lyrics 🥺

I am glad you felt every lyrics
That was the aim
Mission accomplished 😂 😂

Thanks a bunch for your kind words 😊

😀 You are welcome dear

OMG.. what an amazing voice!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
That was brilliant!

Oh my,
Thanks a million.
I truly appreciate your lovely words.

Thank you for engaging as well 😊😊

I love this song!! You sang it so beautifully!

Oh dear
I’m glad you love it.
It’s one of my favorite of theirs.

Thank you for your sweet words 🙂😊

Encantadora actuación acapella tuya @peaq, te dio una hermosa voz y un buen tono vocal, éxito para ti.

Muchas gracias.
Estoy realmente agradecido.
¡Saludos y que tengan un día increíble!😊😊😊

wow! lovin everything in this post.
inspiring me to get back into singing!

How this comment has made my day.

inspiring me to get back into singing!

Please do and when you eventually do, share your songs with me..

Sending you tons of blessings 💕💕💕

Mi estimada amiga esta canción es hermosa tanto en melodía como su letra, y como siempre en tu voz se escuchó fantástica .Dios te bendiga🌈💐🔥💯🌊🎉🎉👏👏👏💞🌹

Que Dios te bendiga y te eleve a ti también.
¡Muchas gracias por estar siempre aquí!😚😚😚

Great voice! your blessed. :)

Thank you so so much.
I am immensely grateful 😊😊😊

Yay, how nice, the colours of love!
It's like you, a strong colour of love! 💞
I wish you tomorrow a great concert with the choir 🤗

It's like you, a strong colour of love! 💞

Muchas gracias mi amor 💞

I wish you tomorrow a great concert with the choir

All the wayyyyy...😊😊😊😊

Muchas gracias mi amor

de nada 😇😍🥂

This is awesome, great job i really ilke it😊🙋👌👏

Thank you so much 💫💫💫

You're welcome 😊🤘

You shine with so much radiance.
You sing with so much energy and passion.
You smile with so much brightness.

I am glad to know you.
And to know you is to love you.
Amazing performance hun♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😍😍

You’re making me blush 😊😊😊
To know you is to love you too.

You always shower me with such sweet words. Thank you for always being a huge support to me.

I am always always super grateful love 💕💕💕

I am always here for you.
I am here to listen, here to cheer you on and keep supporting you all the way.

Keep being a shining light 💡

You're sweet except for when you’re being annoying 🤣 🤣

But you are normally a sweetheart, so that kind of makes up for the other annoying times 😂…

Can you imagine this girl 😂
So I’m annoying?

Well, all of us get am for body las las..
See your head like the colours of love 🤣

I’ve been dragged 😂
She say nah like the colours of love 😂

What did I do to warrant this kind dragging, this hot afternoon 🤣 🤣

God is watching us 😂

It’s true nah 😂
But you know it’s all love and positive vibes from here?

Xoxo 😘

I know my dear
Thank you so so much once again.
I deeply appreciate you from the depths of my heart ♥️ 😘

Xoxo 💕💕💕

Oh @peaq, colour my soul with your beautiful voice

Thank you so much hun 💕

A beautiful girl with a nice performance on camera, added to that voice that never ceases to amaze us! you have a blessed gift to sing a cappella, total magic with your voice and we enjoy them with our eyes closed💥💯⚡🙏🏼💫🤗😍💯

The sweetest duo.
Thank you so much.
I am humbled and simply grateful for your beautiful words.
They are very well received 😊😊😊

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