Hive open mic week 242 my name is @sampraise77 , I hope each of us are doing very fine and good. I will perform a cover a cover of a song title Worthy ot my worship by Dusin Oyekan
My Worship" is a song by Nigerian gospel artist and worship leader Dusin Oyekan. The song expresses the personal and deep connection one feels towards God and their desire to worship Him.
In the lyrics, Oyekan reflects on the beauty and awe-inspiring nature of God, acknowledging that no words can fully capture His glory. He sings about how his worship is a response to God's love, faithfulness, and kindness in his life.
The song emphasizes the intimate relationship between the worshipper and God, portraying worship as a heartfelt expression of love, gratitude, and surrender. Oyekan suggests that worship is not limited to singing songs or engaging in religious rituals; it is a lifestyle marked by a continuous connection with God.
The lyrics also convey a sense of surrender and humility, as the singer acknowledges his reliance on God and his desire to submit his life to Him. The song evokes a spirit of reverence, as Oyekan acknowledges that his worship is an acknowledgment of God being the Creator and sustainer of all things.
Overall, it is a song that celebrates the transcendence of God and the personal relationship one can have with Him, expressing a deep desire to honor, adore, and surrender to Him through heartfelt worship.
**Lyrics source