Good morning, afternoon or evening dear Hive community; today we bring to you a contribution of a beautiful song for Open Mic, for your 129th week with the motto of "Trust" Given by our Hiver @Ruthlopez, we were delayed this time due to the bad internet connection in the area. we are uploading the video since wednesday and nothing was loading, we apologize in advance to all those who participated in the corresponding dates. .
The song by Jon Carlo, a Catholic singer-songwriter and producer, is an invitation to full confidence in the Lord, not only from him who says "I will have confidence, I will carry my armor" in the song we are all those who, like a hymn, shout "if a war arises against me, I will overcome".
Letra de la cancion / Song Lyrics
El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación,
a nada yo temeré.
Amparo de mi vida es el Señor,
a quién debo entregar mi corazón? (bis)
Confianza yo tendré,
mi armadura cargaré.
Si contra mí se levanta una guerra,
yo venceré. (bis)
Bajo tus alas yo me esconderé
y con tu diestra yo venceré.
En tu presencia yo viviré por siempre. (bis)
The Lord is my light and my salvation,
I will fear nothing.
The Lord is my light and my salvation, I will fear nothing,
to whom shall I give my heart? (bis)
I will have confidence,
I will carry my armor.
If war arises against me
I shall conquer. (bis)
Under your wings I will hide
And with your right hand I will win.
In your presence I will live forever. (bis)
our invitation today to all our colleagues, trust in your gifts, your abilities, perseverance is an ability that is always rewarded and even more so when our trust is placed in our God the Father Almighty, for whom nothing is impossible.
y la letra fue tomada de la siguiente pagina
The video, audio and photos were all taken from Andy's POCO X3, the song was played in the key of D with the guitar in standard tuning.Translator
and the lyrics were taken from the following page
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