Hive Open Mic SEMANA 173 / @tuniawi / (Español/Inglés) Cover

in #hive-105786last year

¿Quién no ha tenido la necesidad de decir lo que siente, de expresar sus sentimientos, de gritarlos?
A pesar de la temprana edad, pareciera que ya venimos programados con esa codificación, de sentir atracción por otro o por otra. Es algo que traemos en nuestros genes y que comenzamos a sentir en la adolescencia o más antes. En esta hermosa canción, el cantautor español Joan Manuel Serrat, nos trae precisamente las memorias de un encuentro de dos seres que se hallaron a temprana edad y por lo visto aún se recuerdan.

La historia de la canción nos habla de dos personas que establecieron una relación amorosa pero que ahora ya no están juntos y solo quedan los recuerdos, apenas tenían quince años. El compositor nos habla de la nostalgia de un amor adolescente, que en su tiempo se convirtió en la canción de amor para toda una generación.

“Palabras de amor” fue compuesta en 1966 y publicada en 1968. Era su primer disco, una producción en catalán que llegó a ser el número uno en España. Ha sido interpretada, con diferentes versiones por músicos de todos los estilos. El mismo compositor narra en una entrevista que para él, es imposible desentrañar el secreto del éxito de "Palabras de amor"; según Serrat, si supiera ese secreto caería en la tentación de quererlo aplicar en otras cosas y cierra diciéndonos que afortunadamente, no lo sabe.


Ella me quiso tanto
Yo aún sigo enamorado
Juntos atravesamos
Nostalgias del pasado

Ella, cómo os diría
Era mi luz y mi razón
Cuando en la lumbre ardían
Solo palabras de amor

Palabras de amor, sencillas y tiernas
Que echamos al vuelo por primera vez
Apenas tuvimos tiempo de aprenderlas
Recién despertábamos de la niñez

Nos bastaban esas tres frases hechas
Que entonaba aquel trasnochado galán
Historias de amor
Sueños de poetas
A los 15 años no se saben más

Ella donde andará
Tal vez aún me recuerda
Un día se marchó
Y jamás volví a verla

Pero cuando oscurece
Lejos se escucha una canción
Vieja música que acuna
Viejas palabras de amor

Palabras de amor sencillas y tiernas
Que echamos al vuelo por primera vez
Apenas tuvimos tiempo de aprenderlas
Recién despertamos de la niñez

Nos bastaban esas tres frases hechas
Que entonaba un trasnochado galán
Historias de amor
Sueños de poetas

A los 15 años no sé saben más
A los 15 años no sé saben más


Contenido original del autor
Fotos propias desde mi Redmi Note 9S
Traducido por
Todos los derechos reservados: @tuniawi 2023

Hive Open Mic WEEK 173 / @tuniawi / (English/Spanish) Cover

Who hasn't had the need to say what they feel, to express their feelings, to shout them out?
Despite our young age, it seems that we are already programmed with this coding, to feel attraction for another person. It is something that we carry in our genes and that we begin to feel in adolescence or earlier. In this beautiful song, the Spanish singer-songwriter Joan Manuel Serrat brings us the memories of an encounter between two people who met at an early age and apparently still remember each other.

The story of the song tells us about two people who established a loving relationship but now they are no longer together and only memories remain, they were barely fifteen years old. The composer talks about the nostalgia of a teenage love, which in its time became the love song for a whole generation.

"Palabras de amor" was composed in 1966 and published in 1968. It was his first album, a production in Catalan that reached number one in Spain. It has been interpreted in different versions by musicians of all styles. The composer himself narrates in an interview that for him, it is impossible to unravel the secret of the success of "Palabras de amor"; according to Serrat, if he knew that secret, he would be tempted to apply it to other things and he closes by saying that fortunately, he doesn't know it.


She loved me so much
I'm still in love
I'm still in love with you
Nostalgia for the past

She, how could I tell you
She was my light and my reason
When in the fire burned
Only words of love

Words of love, simple and tender
That we first took to the air
We barely had time to learn them
We were just waking up from childhood

We only needed those three phrases
That that old-fashioned gallant intoned
Stories of love
Dreams of poets
When you're 15 years old you don't know anymore

Where is she now
Maybe she still remembers me
One day she left
And I never saw her again

But when it gets dark
Far away you hear a song
Old music that cradles
Old words of love

Simple and tender words of love
That we first took to the air
We barely had time to learn them
Just waking up from childhood

Those three phrases were enough for us
That an old-fashioned gallant intoned
Stories of love
Dreams of poets

At 15 years old I don't know any more
At 15 years old I don't know any more


Original content by the author
Own photos from my Redmi Note 9S
Translated by
All rights reserved: @tuniawi 2023


Wonderful presentation you've got here.
More grease to your elbow

Hi @mhizerbee
Thank you for your valoation and your comment. This song, which in itself has a lot of ignorance, is also loaded with a lot of passion.
Now, we are from different regions worldwide, what should I interpret when you say more elbow grease?
A hug

Your Rendition is top Notch,
I love how you voice is so full of Energy and passion
Well done sir

Hi @oluwadrey
Thank you for your comment. As you know, the songs are loaded with a lot of passion and to express it, you have to be filled with a lot of energy.
Thank you very much for your appreciation, we will continue to give our best.
A hug
