in #yesterday

you made some really cool photos.

not sure how you got to this perspective but it is hilarious and super cool

and this one is just crazy

just realized i didn't follow you till now. but you are in my HiveFest Amsterdam list so that is probably the reason i missed the follow button :)


Thank you!

not sure how you got to this perspective but it is hilarious and super cool

This was my hubby's idea of 😊 (must be honest coz he is following me, LOL) Sometimes he got genius ideas 😁

The pictures from Marjan Hill are mindblowing. I constantly thought that a thunderstorm was about to start and that I could hear the sound of rain. Luckily, it was the trees were rustling with the wind.

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This was my hubby's idea of 😊 (must be honest coz he is following me, LOL) Sometimes he got genius ideas

it worked out perfectly :D

from this perspective it looks like the rainy clouds on the islands are on the same hight as you are on that hill.

Indeed, I just noticed