The Easter weekend is a wonderful present wrapped up with a bow gifted to everybody! In Australia and hopefully in other countries 4 days are available for adventure and creative fun or not. Choices abound, just think and do it, imagination is all you need, whatever fits the length of the Easter break, Travel distances, pack up the tent, go home to family, a luxury hotel destination? All doable if not too far.
Feeling extra fanciful and jovial as celebration party plans are discussed and decided. Happy can't wait expectations of yummy food, glasses of wine and laughter feeds the mind and body during the busy working days.
Or maybe not, some may prefer to stay at home enjoying a rest and quietness or perhaps others may relish cooking a magnificent meal hosting family at home, always an extra place at the table for one more.
Amid your holiday carefree atmosphere of Easter please pause if you can, just for a moment to send a quiet prayer, an affirmation of love and peace, positive thoughts and feelings to those countries in the midst of terrible conflict bombarded by bombs and gun fire like in the Ukraine. Easter is about re-brith, spiritual good will to all men and women everywhere.
And I know there are crowds of people worldwide connecting, celebrating and praying for peace in Churches, Synagogues and Mosques. So much power when we join together. Let love and peace reign. We think and feel and it is!