Life with 52 Houseplants and ..
A Thanksgiving Cactus About to Bloom
Our home is brimming with life .. 52 houseplants to be exact. Each one has its quirks, needs, and charm, from the cacti that demand patience with their infrequent watering schedule to the thirsty large leafed White Bird of Paradise that soaks up our attention every Saturday. Some of these plants are newcomers, barely settling into their pots, while others are beloved elders of the household.
Caring for them is no small task .. Each Saturday, like clockwork, we step into our weekly watering routine. Some plants, like our Pothos or Peace Lilies, demand more frequent care, while the cacti and succulents sit out a week or two between drinks. It’s not just about water, though. There’s always a little pruning, repotting, turning to chase the light, and plucking off spent leaves. It’s a commitment, but one that rewards us with vibrant greenery and a sense of accomplishment.
The reason for this post, though, isn’t just to share our plant-parenting adventures. It’s to celebrate a star in our botanical family: our Thanksgiving Cactus.
This plant isn’t just a beauty; it’s a legacy .. We’ve had her for about 30 years, and she’s grown into a magnificent specimen. Twice a year—sometimes three if we’re lucky—she treats us to a show of soft pink blooms that last for two to three weeks. And it’s not just a handful of flowers. When she blooms, she puts on a spectacle, her branches heavy with color, as if she knows she’s the star of the season.
Now, as Thanksgiving approaches, we’re on bloom watch .. Any day now, those tightly closed buds will start to unfurl, revealing delicate pink flowers that never fail to fill our home with joy. It’s an exciting time, and even after all these years, the anticipation never wanes.
Keeping houseplants is about more than filling a space with greenery .. It’s about fostering life, building connections, and celebrating the cycles of growth and renewal. As we wait for the Thanksgiving cactus to grace us with her blooms once again, we’re reminded of how much life these plants bring into our home and hearts.
Here’s to houseplants,
To patience,
And to the glorious blooms that make it all worthwhile.
Sorry @bozz .. Before you say anything, I know you are not particularly fond of this subject :/ hehehe
BUT!.. You are not alone. Mr. 'Side Eye' Huxley says he doesn't like taking care of houseplants either.. especially since his parents block his access to them. H was starting to drink the water from the catch bases and eat at the low lying foliage.. "Bad Boy Sir Huxley" He'll learn. Not all that is green should be eaten.