Holiday Memories: I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas (and some Good Food!)

in #hive-1063162 years ago

So yes, I was born and grew up in Denmark... as the username suggests.

Now, Denmark is pretty far north (almost as far north as Juneau, Alaska) so it was only natural that we had some long, cold and dark winters.


As kids, we were always dreaming of having snow for Christmas... even though that actually was a rare occurrence. In fact, I was born in 1960 and came to the USA in 1980, and the only time we had a white Christmas was in 1969.

Which makes it slightly ironic that I now live in an area with a milder climate than Denmark, but we've had snow on the ground for Christmas three times in the 16 years I have spent Christmas here.

Ah, but such is life!

In truth, I did actually get to experience snow for Christmas a couple more times as a kid: There were a couple of years we spent the holidays in the mountains in Switzerland... which was quite a "treat," even though it was far from home.


Most of the time, our big snowstorms would come in late January through February... and sometimes we'd be buried under considerable snowfalls... just not for Christmas.

As a kid, I remember the hopeful anticipation of just maybe it would snow... but I didn't tend to linger too much on the absence of snow, even though a rainy Christmas even just seemed so... sad.

As I have written previously on these pages, most of my excitement about Christmas was related to the food we were going to have... a virtual cornucopia of goodness served up from a couple of days before Christmas till the day after New Year's Eve. It seemed to be an unspoken "tradition" in our family that we would eat our way through the holidays!


All these years later, it is still the food that brings me the most positive feelings about Christmastime.

Although I have lived far removed from Denmark for several decades, I still go to some trouble to try to recreate some of the Danish Christmas foods I grew up with, from cookies to the holiday pork roast. There's a certain peaceful comfort in returning — even if just for a few moments — to something familiar from years gone by.

As for the "White Christmas?"

Well, I'm told we have a decent chance of seeing a few snowflakes on December 22nd, but not necessarily for Christmas proper. And that's really OK! Now that I am an adult with some miles on my body... I mostly would rather not have to drive in the snow, even though it does look very pretty, if you can just stay at home in a warm cozy house!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful Sunday!

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Created at 20221218 00:34 PDT



I would guess Denmark's milder winters night be related to ocean proximity and the gulf stream. If I'm not mistaken, that plays a role in England's wet and rainy climate as well. But just guesswork.

I have completed the local holiday festival as the Grinch. Plenty of snow now here. Where I grew up in Minnesota, there was often a white Halloween, almost always a white Thanksgiving, and invariably a white Christmas. It was bitter cold, and snow often took the form of shards of ice blown sideways in the wind. I don't miss that!

I could be in favor of a white Christmas as long as I was guaranteed it would be over within a week and done for the season. So far old man Winter is not bargaining...

No white Christmas ever experienced here, we celebrate with a good traditional meal, previous years family and friend gatherings a lot smaller now.

Food and relaxing chat with those who we visit or arrive at our home will continue over the week from Christmas to New Year as we no longer put up decorations with no children in the home, yes quieter still a fine time to enjoy.

For me it's the music and lights. Food was mostly sweets and those don't sit well with my body these days. I've created more or less my own traditions as an adult, but lights and music were always a part.

Now my husband is gone, I've changed things a little, new traditions, but it's still centered around music and lights, and now friends.

As to white Christmases, like you there have been mighty few here in New England since I was a child. And little chance for it this year, though we are white right now. Too much warm and rain ahead.