Investing and Crypto: Most Projects Fail, Some Projects LAST

in #hive-1063162 months ago

This morning, I ”claimed” my modest Hive rewards... as I have been doing pretty much since the moment Hive became a thing.


In its own small way, there is something very rewarding and comforting about watching this small investment/savings account I have slowly grow, day by day.

This is a good thing…

It makes me pause and ponder how we not infrequently are presented with ”excellent opportunities,” but the vast majority seem to get started with great promise and fanfare… only to gradually fizzle away and become nothing. OR — because of the inherently risky nature of “speculative investing” — they all of a sudden simply vanish into thin air, leaving everyone as the ”bag holders” of… well… absolutely nothing.

I suppose we are all hoping to uncover the ”magic formula” that gives a project staying power as an ongoing worthwhile project, as opposed to just a ”flash in the pan” that perhaps richly rewards a handful of the very earliest adopters while leaving everybody else with virtually empty pockets.


I’m certainly well aware that a project initially offering a 1,000% yield is not sustainable, and perhaps that offer is simply designed to open the floodgates for investors.

But how do we distinguish between those with a stellar initial offer that becomes ZERO, and a similar offer that gradually settles into being the next Tesla, the next Amazon, the next Ethereum, ten years later? Or, most likely, just ends up primarily going sideways... not exactly succeeding but also not exactly failing.

When we’re in the throes of excitement over having gotten into an amazing opportunity, it’s easy to lose sight of the reality of how things must unfold in the long term, if a project is to survive and thrive.


I look at my relatively tiny stake of currently about 5800 Hive tokens and can’t help but wonder whether they will grow to 50,000 by 2030 with $10 Hive… or will Hive even exist by then? I certainly hope it does still exist in six years, and perhaps has grown into one of the exceptions where people enjoy solid returns without unachievable hype likely to just suck their entire holdings out some ”invisible airlock,” never to be seen again.

As I write these words, it occurs to me that many crypto and DeFi projects aren’t even designed to last… a bit like setting off all the New Year’s fireworks at once… and then we are left with nothing but the darkness of winter nights.

We talk a lot about cryptos and blockchain apps being ”the future” of money and finance… but that’s going to be a really tough ambition to realize if we don’t put our focus on how to make our projects last beyond next week, or next month! What is the long term plan?


I guess I still feel hopeful about Hive precisely because it seems that there is a long term roadmap, suggesting that a future is being built, and it’s about a lot more than just "tomorrow’s price of Hive.”

And so, I’m going to exercise good faith and keep blogging and adding to my Hive stake, in hopes that we’ll all still be here, doing this, many years from now!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great week ahead!

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Created at 2024-07-01 02:12 PDT



Long term project I am sure it will be, Hive has managed to attract a very mixed group and interesting concept. To the future we will see in good time.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!