The Attention Economy is Getting Crowded!

in #hive-1063162 months ago

Call me old fashioned, but sometimes it feels like there's an air of desperation to this so-called attention economy that leaves the whole scene feeling like an ocean of deception.


Earlier today I was going to read a story that caught my attention, because it sounded interesting, and I thought maybe this was something of a noteworthy news item. But all it really turnef out to be was somebody writing it up like it was a news item while regurgitating something that happened 13 years ago.

Have we really reached the point where there are so many people clamoring for attention trying to share something that what's currently going on, but what people are currently thinking is insufficient to feed the demand?

I've noticed this is a bit of an increasing and more commonplace trend, because I find myself regularly looking online for interesting articles to read and I have grown aware of how often I end up back at a piece of old news being retold for the 43rd time.


Which takes me back to something that seemed to be true back in the days of regular news printing - even radio news - which was the relationship between what we might call "signal" and "noise." The noise level seems to be rising out of control, and at an alarming rate!

So why don't I just click past the noise and stop complaining?

In essence, because my time is being wasted. 20 years ago my time was being wasted by early search engines because they didn't have algorithms to sort out so-called link farms from actual content. Now, but just many years later, and it seems like more and more people are trying to capitalize on yesterday's news as a form of clickbait.

I just don't have that much time on my hands!


But perhaps what takes the whole thing a step further is the fact that it leaves me with a difficult choice... and I can't believe that I'm actually alone in feeling this.

That "choice" is that I get closer to a sense of frustration because I have to either choose to be not informed as opposed to trying to stay informed because it takes too much time effort and energy to be informed.

I suppose conspiracy theorists would love to jump all over that one and say that "they" - whoever they might be - are succeeding with their nefarious plans to turn us all into idiots!

Maybe I'm overly naive but I don't really think that's what's going on here.


More likely, we just live in a world where so many are trying to profit from being "Brand Me" that there just isn't enough original and new ideas to go around.

Which is rather sad...

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your week!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024-07-10 01:18 PDT




A terrifically astute observation.

I agree with you.. When someone in social media posted a news accident and it happened 2 years ago. It such a waste of time reading it again and in the end it is useless.

That "choice" is that I get closer to a sense of frustration because I have to either choose to be not informed as opposed to trying to stay informed because it takes too much time effort and energy to be informed.

A typical syndrome of a FOMO + Infoxication era.

I suppose conspiracy theorists would love to jump all over that one and say that "they" - whoever they might be - are succeeding with their nefarious plans to turn us all into idiots!

Oh! better not be overly naive with these things brother.

I think the signal to noise ratio is one of the things that irritates me about platforms like TikTok and the imitations from US corporations.


What am I scrolling past? Nonsense. AI-narrated content ripped off from other creators. Re-uploads ripped off from other creators. Reaction videos. Reaction videos with some unrelated game above, or another pointless video beside it. Annoying chipmunk video. Long clips insisting I need to "wait for it..."

Seize joy, value each day have fun, and make the most of life's opportunities. Don't let fear or uncertainty prevent you from getting out and seeing the world around you. Step outside, enjoy the sun, and engage in joyful fun activities. Remember, time doesn't pause it doesn't wait, and with each passing second, we age, yes we age. It's crucial to find joy in things and cherish your freedom. Indeed, we're all interconnected in this beautiful tapestry, bound by the universal language of love.

There was a man named Mark, an individual known for his vivid dreams and elaborate stories. Mark's dreams were nothing short of extraordinary. He envisioned himself as a wealthy man, owning a grand yacht, and being served by a loyal maid. His dreams were filled with visions of sailing the open sea traveling the world, experiences he longed for in his waking life.

However, Mark's reality was a stark contrast to his dreams. His days were spent in a cold, dark room, a stark contrast to the bright, expansive world he dreamed of. Despite his circumstances, Mark found solace in his dreams, using them as a form of escapism from his otherwise mundane existence.

Mark was well known to share his dreams with others, often exaggerating them to the point of fabrication. He would tell tales of his yacht, his maid, and his supposed millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. However, these were all part of his dreamworld, a world he wished to bring into reality.

Unfortunately, Mark's propensity for embellishment extended beyond his dreams. He was known to cause harm to others online, often using his fabrications to manipulate or deceive people. Despite this, his dream world remained a constant source of comfort and solace, a place where he was free to be whoever he wanted to be.

This story is based on a real person. Even today, Mark continues to live his life, spinning tales and dreams to those around him, a testament to the power of imagination and the human spirit DREAM DREAM DREAM.