Hello friends, happy start to the week. I hope everything goes well these days. This week the #memoirmonday contest run by our friend @ericvancewalton brings us an interesting question: If you had to summarize your purpose in life in one sentence, what would it be and why?
You know, I had always asked myself this question and never gotten the answer. When I was younger I always heard people say: “God has a purpose for you.” I honestly didn't understand it, I told myself: who do I have to ask to help me know what my purpose is in this life? I knew that one was born to do something, but I couldn't figure out that I could make him identify with the role I came to fulfill in this world.
It wasn't until just a couple of years that I discovered what I'm good at and it fills my heart a lot to do it, so I thought: This is what I came to do in my life.
The Bible says in Acts 20: 35 like this: "I have always taught you that this is how you should work and help those who are in need, remembering those words of the Lord Jesus: There is more happiness in giving than in receiving."
(Verses taken from the Reyna Valera Bible).
I was always a girl who was shy to speak, people called me pretentious because I didn't join groups so easily until after a while of having met people and having lived with them in meetings, after that they told me: change Of opinion with you, you seemed like a very pretentious girl to me but I see that you are not like that.
I learned about this Gift that God gave me when I came to serve the church where I attend. My pastor came to me and told me that I had a calling to serve and since then I have served everyone who comes to the church and my heart feels happy.
There is an elderly lady who comes to church and I always go to the door to greet her, fill her filter with water and take her to her seat. It is happiness for me when he tells me: you are very generous, it is reflected in your face. That makes me happy because I feel that I am useful, that I have been able to help a person who needs it.
We are 8 servers and we have one day a month to sit and listen to the service on that day, but I tell my coordinator that she should not give me any days, that I want to serve every Sunday. I always wear my uniform and there is almost always something missing and then I can replace it.
On one occasion one of the girls told me: I want a day of rest because it should not always be served. I replied that if she did not want to serve one day, she just has to let us know and they will simply give her the day, without complications. So there I saw that not all of us have that calling even if we are serving there.
But as Eric says: Life is simple, we are the ones who make it difficult.