Memoir Monday #39. My first car [ENG-SPA]

in #hive-1063163 months ago



Wow, what was my first car? A 1986 Chevrolet Monza Classic. I bought it on credit in 1989 and second-hand thanks to chance and my father. Well, now I'm convinced that there is no such thing as chance. Why is that? Let me tell you. My father always happily sought luck in games of chance, such as in horseracing, where he regularly stamped a box for the weekends in the hope of hitting all six or five, at least, and with a big pot to split. Yes, of course, he hit one or two, but never the millionaire. Also, following my grandmother's tradition, He used to buy lottery and raffle tickets regularly. To be honest, I don't remember him ever winning a jackpot.

In my case, I am not very inclined to these types of games, due to the adverse probabilities and the wise adage: "A gambler who plays out need is bound to lose." Of course, nevertheless, from time to time, just for the sake of not giving up, I did sporadically buy a ticket. And that was the case, I remember, on a work leave, being in the capital, I bought a novel ticket at the beginning of 1989, and now they are quite common, although, I fear that with digitization and virtualization; these will soon pass into memory. Scratch-offs. Two in particular were in fashion: The Old Lady and The Key. If my memory serves me correctly, one of the slogans was: “Scratch the old lady and win up to a million”. Ah, I didn't scratch the old lady! But I did guess the second prize in the Llave: 100,000 bolivars; today it is equivalent to about 7,200 U.S. dollars. Guess, yes, with that money I bought that Chevrolet Monza 1.8, light blue and shiny, four-door, four-cylinder, my first car, only surpassed by the Celebrety and the Century in the range of family vehicles.

By the way, as a young professional, my salary barely reached, at most, about 4,500 bolivars. Not even with the prize money could I buy a new one. My father came to my rescue and gave me about 40,000 thousand bolivars. Even so, I still had to sign twelve money orders at the dealership, located in an important road corridor in the city of Cumaná, right in front of a statue of a Cumanagoto Indian with a fish in his hands, as an offering, which adorned a traffic circle. I went out with my car, so happy, imagine, without inquiring about the reputation of these vehicles, I just thought about how nice and comfortable it was for a young single man of 24 years who, recently emancipated, was starting a career in life.

Reparación carro azul.png

That car, beautiful at first, soon gave me a lot of headaches. I don't know if it was due to inexperience. The engine suffered from overheating. Perhaps, now, if I were in a similar situation, with what I had learned, I would surely return it without delay. But, hazing pays off in favor of experience. Unfortunately, for this post, I didn't save any pictures of this one. Well, maybe there are some, in a forgotten album in a corner of my parents' house.

You see, there is no such thing as chance. In retrospect, with this experience, I learned a lot, and now that my father is gone, I appreciate it in its dimension and regret not having shared more with him in the game of life. From my first car, I hope subsequent owners have had better luck with this one, although I suspect it will have ended up in a drainpipe to their misfortune.

Thank you for your kind reading of my first participation in @ericvancewalton's Memoir Monday #39.


Anecdote by @janaveda originally written in Spanish and translated with (free)

AI-generated images on and edited in Keynote

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¡Vaya! ¿Cuál fue mi primer carro? Un Monza Classic de la Chevrolet del año 1986. Lo compré a crédito en 1989 y de segunda mano gracias al azar y a mi padre. Bueno, ahora estoy convencido de que el azar no existe. ¿Qué por qué? Déjame contarte. Mi padre siempre buscó con alegría la suerte en los juegos de azar, tales como en el hipismo, en la que regularmente sellaba un cuadro para los fines de semana con la esperanza de acertar los seis o cinco, al menos, y con un gran pote a repartir. Sí, claro que pegó uno que otros, pero nunca el millonario. Asimismo, siguiendo la tradición de mi abuela, compraba asiduo, boletos de lotería y rifas. Para serles sincero, no recuerdo que él hubiera ganado algún premio mayor.

En mi caso, no soy muy proclive a estos tipos de juegos, en virtud de las probabilidades adversas y al sabio adagio: quien juega por necesidad, pierde por obligación. Claro, no obstante, de vez en cuando, por no dejar, llegué a comprar esporádicamente algún boleto. Y ese fue el caso, recuerdo, en un permiso laboral, estando en la capital, me dio por adquirir un ticket novedoso a principio de ese año 1989, y que ahora son bastante comunes, aunque, me temo que con la digitalización y la virtualización; estos pronto pasarán al recuerdo. Los raspaditos. Estaban de moda dos en específico: La Vieja y La Llave. Si no me falla la memoria, uno de los eslóganes era: «ráspate a la vieja y gana hasta un millón». ¡Ah, no raspé a la vieja! Pero sí acerté el segundo premio en la Llave: 100.000 bolívares; hoy equivale a unos 7.200 dólares estadounidenses. Adivina, sí, con ese dinero compré aquel Chevrolet Monza 1.8, azul claro y brillante, de cuatro puertas y de cuatro cilindros, mi primer carro, solo superado por el Celebrety y el Century en la gama de vehículos familiares.

Por cierto, como joven profesional, mi sueldo apenas llegaba, a lo sumo, a unos 4.500 bolívares. Ni con el premio podía adquirir uno nuevo. Mi padre salió en mi auxilio, y me regaló como 40.000 mil bolívares. Con todo y eso, aún tuve que firmar doce giros a la concesionaria, ubicada en un corredor vial importante de la ciudad de Cumaná, justo en frente de una estatua de un indígena cumanagoto con un pescado en las manos, a manera de ofrenda, y que engalanaba una redoma. Salí con mi carro, tan contento, imagina, sin indagar sobre la reputación de estos vehículos, solo pensé en lo bonito y cómodo que era para un joven soltero de 24 años que, recién emancipado, comenzaba una carrera en la vida.

Gracias por su amable lectura en virtud de mi primera participación del Memoir Monday #39 de @ericvancewalton.

Reparación carro azul.png

Aquel carro, hermoso al principio, me dio, al poco tiempo, muchos dolores de cabeza. No sé, si por inexperiencia. El motor sufría de recalentamiento. Quizás, ahora, si me tocara una situación similar, con lo aprendido, de seguro lo retornaría sin dilación. Pero, las novatadas se pagan en favor de la experiencia. Por desgracia, para los efectos de este post, no guardé fotografías de este. Bueno, quizás haya alguna, en un álbum olvidado en un rincón de la casa de mis padres.

Ves, el azar no existe. En retrospectiva, con esta experiencia aprendí mucho, y ahora que mi padre se ha ido, lo valoró en su dimensión y siento no haber compartido más con él en el juego de la vida. De mi primer carro, espero que los dueños posteriores hayan tenido mejor suerte con este, aunque sospecho habrá terminado en un desaguadero para su desgracia.


Anecdotas de @janaveda

Imágenes generadas por IA en Canva y editadas con Keynote

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What an interesting way to get your first car and I am sorry it was prone to over heating!

Thank you for your kind appreciation of my post. After so many years, I can only smile when I remember some compromising situations. Such as the time when my girlfriend, who is now my wife, being so flirtatious and delicate, had to help me push the overheated blue car to the side of the road to park it and wait for it to cool down. What a time those were! We were so upset, and today, remembering them, we just laughed.


Hindsight is always 50/50, life of late is one game we all battling to get through together...


Hello, @joanstewart

Time is a wise teacher for those who try to learn from their mistakes. My first car brought me a lot of experience and appreciation for the selfless love of my parents.


At least we learned on the go, had to know how to change tyres, check air pressure, check water and oil the basics, now these vehicles almost think for you....

Ha, ha, ha. Yes, with so much technology and automation, one becomes very dependent. Even parking no longer requires the expertise of a sense of direction. I still enjoy parking in tight spaces. Now, cars have sensors and cameras that do it for you. I prefer the old-fashioned way.

Well, one needs to adapt!

Sad when we don't know how to fix something, always relying on others with know-how. Exercise the mind try to understand in's and out's before surrendering to anything.

Hey @janaveda, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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What an experience 🫣 I haven't had a chance to buy a car yet 🤭 I don't know when I'll be able to buy one. Your experience will be added to my consideration list🤝 don't buy a used car by chance

Hello, @cicisaja

I hope that soon you will have the opportunity to have your vehicle. Of course, an excellent one with no faults. Preferably new from the dealer.


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