Living Love In Life

in #hive-1063163 years ago

Love Life

We can love in so many ways, self-love, love for a partner, sibling, parents or love of a child normally strongest of all, what about love life itself.


Considering love presents itself in humans as both positive and negative, it may make us feel good when nurtured then grows into a positive, yet when soured brings emotional pain possibly depression, negative feelings for another.

Being in love and loving someone - Slight difference.

Teenager or young adults feel butterflies in their stomach, mouth goes dry, thoughts start straying to new companion regularly during the day, this may last for awhile.

Dancing in the rain, singing to the flowers, not knowing enough about each other, one may walk away, disagreeing on an opinion, perhaps feelings fade quickly, being in love for a short space of time then walk away.


Loving someone is committing to long standing relationship taking the good times with the bad, sacrificing for each other growing a strong bond.

If one makes it through initial being in love, starting to share ideas, discuss life, problem solving as one unit based on trust, respect and honesty, all comes in good time leading toward loving someone.


Negative aspects about being in love is trying to change someone or yourself to fit a fantasy idea that everything will work out, it is a deal breaker never change who you are for anyone!


Positives of loving someone is associated with better mental health, problem sharing presents lower stress levels when each supports the other in decision making, shared workload performing like team.

Knowing deep down you are truly loved and cared for is an instinctive feeling that grows over many years, fragile in every means of the word still have to work at ensuring happiness to both parties.

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Loving life in so many ways

Love extends to love of a career, love of music or song, organizations, welfare, film or television some things we hear, say or part-take in, bringing about the love of life.

Different meaning is lovelife where it is sexual, intimate within a relationship, animals have these too.


Go out and enjoy love and life.

L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole

All photography is my own from over the last couple of years, birds tell lovely stories breaking into song.


Thought for Today: "Love, like rain, does not choose the grass on which it falls." - African Proverb





LOVEly #bom Joan, I read @dswigle's comments and cannot agree more with her! I just love how you've used the gorgeous images of nature, the birds and the bees...not to illustrate love! Thank you for your entry!
Silver-Blond Lizzie

Birds reflect a quality in how things are done, bees a bit small to chase around!

Thanks for kind comments and have yourself a wonderful day.

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This is lovely, Joan. I like what you said about what love is and I couldn't agree more, I love the photos of the birds you have used and the song you've shared is more than perfect. ♡

Word often used, should not be taken lightly. Glad you enjoyed the read and thanks for visiting.

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Birds must feel that the climat is changing but seeing them in your photos it doesnt feel that way, thank god

Long distance migratory birds we notice either arrive early or leave late compared to previous years, thankfully garden still has many visitors.

Electronic-terrorism, voice to skull and neuro monitoring on Hive and Steem. You can ignore this, but your going to wish you didnt soon. This is happening whether you believe it or not.

Love is a many splendored thing, for sure.

You hit on so many different aspects, but when I was a teenager, I remember my mother telling me that if someone loved me, they would never try to change me into something I am not. So many young males and females break this every single day, thinking they will be missing out if they don't.

I can almost feel the twitterpated hearts of Spring almost upon us!

Lovely, Joan! Always.

I remember my mother telling me that if someone loved me, they would never try to change me

Those words ring true, exactly what my Mom said, she also mentioned something to the effect about being strong willed (stubborn). Those days parents really did not get into much detail, surrounded by brothers perhaps instruction was given to them 😆always accompanied by a brother wherever I went.

Spring soon when love is in the air, marvelous time of year, our little birds now furiously feeding their young!

Thanks for lovely words and visit Denise !LUV

Love makes the world go round and I believe that it's true.

No love within our hearts we would not be able to share it out, thanks for the visit.

No truer words @joanstewart, we step into a love with both trepidation and utter joy. Of course it can go either way and as there is one only true lasting love lots of heartbreaks are inevitable, oh the memories are so distant now.
Love your photography and your flowering pink shrub is magnificent. Not sure what kind of plant it is but I was nonetheless less impressed.

Life is confusing enough, finding the right partner even more so. Very few find true love, most I know have lasted are high school couples or varsity students who met slightly later.

Azalea bush in magnificent flowering, I had one in the garden for years the termites eventually killed in a dry season. This one was up in the mountains in Spring in full display.

I did not recognise the bush being an Azelea, probably because I can't recall seeing such a large one. Mine are rather small in comparison.

Azelea we had made about a third of the size at the coast, this one is inland where they are much happier in cooler conditions.

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Thanks @hivebuzz love what you do, enjoy those around you!

You're welcome @joanstewart, that's with pleasure! Thanks for your lovely comment, have a nice weekend 😊🌹

it is a deal breaker never change who you are for anyone!

Yep, never ever change just to be loved a lesson that I learned in my journey of love but there are still times that we didn't notice that we are changing just to get along with the people that we love. Sometimes I think I know now why I'm still single. It's because I still need to love myself more. Thanks @joanstewart learned a lot from this :)

Recognizing before getting involved is better than going into a life together, realizing mistake after children are born bringing heartache/confusion to many more people.

How many couples accept their fate after having had a family, where one or the other is no longer happy?

No you are in a good place just knowing who you are and accepting it, learning to love oneself more.

that is why I was so careful when it comes to relationships... I don't want to be one of those couples who stay in a relationship even if they are no longer happy. And I also don't want to be in a relationship just because I was lonely.

Thanks to you guys. I'm learning a lot from you. :)

Life is a roller coaster ride, do what makes you happy and go with 'gut' feeling always.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend 😁

Lovely post, I love your idea of Love Life. I think most of the times we concentrate on so many other things we forget to love life.

We forget to laugh, sometimes at ourselves or others, much like love, if not nurtured, enjoyed to the full how can one share something one does not have.

I have read many wise words in your post, Joan, or better said it's all very right and I can only agree with all you are saying. Your words remind me so much to my first feelings of love which I still can remember ... the butterflies in my stomach 😊

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Butterflies in the stomach, second guessing ourselves all the time, exciting yet very strange years they were.

Fifty years later still second guessing, questioning, not much changes!


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After reading the first sentence I wanted to reply "after so many years I still haven't changed much", but you wrote it anyway 😂 !LOLZ

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Joan 🤗

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

More confused now than I was fifty years ago that is for sure!

Hope white sprinkling arrives for your weekend.


LOL, I know what you mean 😉 !LOLZ

We have blue skies and sunshine - it's warm like in Spring, so I don't know if it's going to snow, but you never know, maybe Mother Nature will surprise us 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

They say it gets warmer before the snow arrives, patience it will arrive, not Spring yet!

Have a wonderful evening and I will enjoy a !WINEX

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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That's right, it's not Spring yet and I will wait patiently, can't do anything anyway 😂 !LOLZ
Have a nice evening, Joan 😊

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)

We have enjoyed rain overnight once again, will be humid but has cooled enough to sleep 😁

Autumn is more than welcome here, will enjoy summer in the meantime to the best of my ability.


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Why did two Ralph Lauren employees get into a fight?
They were Polo opposites.

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What's the most modern plant?
A courant bush.

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Hi, I loved reading about this reflection of love.

That's right love is the fuel that gets us out of bed and doesn't let us do the things we do. As you mention, singing, cooking, taking care of the kids, reading. Each of these activities are enjoyed even in difficult times because we feel love.

When we don't feel this way even the meaning of living is lost, that's why it is important to cultivate a love for ourselves, for life and our family before cultivating a love for our partner.

I was once told "Love without sacrifice is romance", and for me it is true. To love is a day to day commitment to the person you have chosen to share your life with, and that requires certain sacrifices, such as accepting differences and loving defects.

Communication is essential, but not just so that the other person understands or knows what I think. It is effective when I communicate my emotional needs and the other person hears them. Because it is also true that we all love differently.

What is important to me as romantic details or kisses on the forehead maybe the man feels loved is when you let him watch the soccer game and understand that when he is upset he needs space and solitude instead of us being on top of him asking questions, just waiting for him to be ready to talk. And that's so normal because men and women don't think alike,

We need protection and emotional stability to love, and the man needs to feel something different, especially the man likes to feel that his woman feels safe with him.

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Have an amazing day and thanks for stopping to greet, will enjoy the beer when the sun goes down 😂

Love is give and take, or won't work, we are very different in many ways however both need to feel equal partners, the minute trust is broken it is gone.

Growing up with brothers and sisters, or larger family units with cousins helps from a young age to cope with differences.

I agree that trust is fundamental. Once broken it is difficult if not impossible to regain it.

Delicate balance between love and hate 😌have a great weekend and thanks for visiting.

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