Memories of Sunday comic strips (Eng/Esp)

in #hive-1063163 months ago

Dad used to buy the newspaper every day. I think if he were still alive when digital versions of the press started becoming popular, he would have preferred to go to the kiosk every day to buy his physical copy.

For him, it was already a habit. Besides, on weekends he enjoyed reading slowly, especially the articles on politics, economics, and opinion.

Image by Nappy - Pexels

Mom also did it, but at her own pace. She used to collect the copies during the week and then on Sundays she dedicated herself to finding out what had been happening in the country and the world.

As for my brother and me, still very young, we enjoyed the comic strips that came out daily in the arts and entertainment section. They were really very few, not even taking up a quarter of the page, but we liked to see Garfield or Lorenzo and Pepita's antics.

The exciting part was when Sunday arrived and a supplement with several pages of comic strips was included. At first, when dad arrived, my brother and I would fight to be the first to grab it, although by the end of the day, we both read it.

Image by Cottonbro studio - Unsplash

Later, to avoid conflict, I would take the magazine first, and then the comic strips, it was better that way because I could do the crossword before mom saw it. As you can see, there were competitions for certain sections of the newspaper at home.

Sometimes, dad bought magazines with Condorito's comic strips, and although it was a considerably thick booklet compared to the supplement that came in the newspaper, it didn't cause the same frenzy at home to be the first to have it in hand.

Image by Brett Jordan - Unsplash

I remember that at some point, cutting out the 3-box comic strips that came from Monday to Saturday, I covered my school notebooks. Everyone in my class was curious to know where I had bought that contact paper, when the reality is that it was my own invention, always looking to have something different from the rest. I think in the end, I never revealed my secret.

Today, they are not as popular as before, and with technology, physical newspapers and magazines have almost been forgotten. But in my case, those Sunday fights to have the copy first will always be a memorable moment.

Papá acostumbraba a comprar el periódico todos los días. Creo que de haber estado vivo aún cuando empezaron a hacerse populares las versiones digitales de la prensa, él hubiese preferido ir como todos los días al kiosko a comprar su ejemplar en físico.

Para él, era ya un hábito. Además que los fines de semana se deleitaba leyendo pausadamente, sobre todo, los artículos de política, economía y opinión.

Image by Nappy - Pexels

Mamá también lo hacía, pero a su ritmo. Solía acumular los ejemplares durante la semana y luego los domingos se dedicaba a enterarse de lo que había estado sucediendo en el país y en el mundo.

En el caso de mi hermano y yo, siendo todavía muy niños, disfrutabamos de las tiras cómicas que salían a diario en el cuerpo C que era el de arte y entretenimiento. Eran realmente muy pocas, ni siquiera ocupaban un cuarto de página, pero a nosotros nos gustaba ver las ocurrencias de Garfiel o Lorenzo y Pepita.

Lo emocionante era cuando llegaba el domingo y venía encartado un suplemento con varias páginas de tiras cómicas. Al principio, cuando llegaba papá, mi hermano y yo peleabamos por ser el que lo agarrara primero, aunque igualmente al final del día, los dos lo leíamos.

Image by Cottonbro studio - Unsplash

Ya luego, para evitar el conflicto, yo tomaba primero la revista y luego las tiras cómicas, era mejor así, pues aprovechaba el crucigrama antes de que mamá lo viera. En casa, como ven, había competencias por ciertas secciones del periódico.

A veces, papá compraba revistas con las tiras cómicas de Condorito, y aunque era un librito considerablemente grueso en comparación con el suplemento que venía en la prensa, en casa no causaba el mismo furor de buscar ser el primero en tenerlo en la mano.

Image by Brett Jordan - Unsplash

Recuerdo que en algún momento recortando las tiras cómicas de 3 cuadros que venían de lunes a sábado, forré mis cuadernos escolares. Todos en mi salón tenían curiosidad por saber dónde había comprado ese papel de contacto, cuando la realidad es que era un invento mío, buscando siempre tener algo diferente al resto. Creo que al final nunca dije mi secreto.

En la actualidad, ya no son tan populares como antes, y con la tecnología los periódicos y revistas en físico han quedado casi en el recuerdo. Pero en mi caso, esas peleas de domingo por tener el ejemplar primero, siempre serán un momento memorable.

Foto/Photo by: Cottonbro studio & Brett Jordan (Unsplash) Nappy (Pexels) and @mamaemigrante
Edición/Edited by @mamaemigrante using canva
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice memories! También me encantaban las tiras cómicas de Lorenzo y Pepita y forrar los cuadernos con el encartado de los domingos, se veían muy cool.

Nice topic of your post. What memories of your childhood, to tell you the truth today's kids only lock themselves up to play with their cell phones and don't even socialize with their siblings. Newspapers are less and less every day.
We were and will be a unique generation but with many values. Like you, many memories of my childhood came back to me. Thank you. 🤗

Certainly, now smart phones have taken away the magic of what we experienced in our childhood.
Thank you for your nice comment

Aquellos tiempos donde esperábamos los domingos para leer esos periodiquitos animados (cómo los llamaba yo). Saludos

Yes, it was the best way to start the day. When I didn't win, my brother would give it back to me all messed up to annoy me, so I had to make it up before I could enjoy it.

Si!! Era lo mejor de empezar el día. Cuando yo no ganaba, mi hermano me lo devolvía todo desordenado para fastidiarme, entonces tocaba compaginarlo antes de poderlo disfrutar.


Thank you for your support

Wonderful memories of years gone by :) It must be amusing to remember how you race or fight as to who gets the comics first 😅 Your post reminded me of how me and my siblings used to hide comic books under our bed just so Dad wouldn't scold us, lol! He'd rather we read magazines or books than comic strips hehe


Everything was important to Dad, including grabbing the newspaper, even the comic strips. Then he would have us read the opinion articles or the specialized science columns.
The thing is that at home, we always read something. Dad, mom and even grandma had something to read in their hands, and well, our adolescence was full of that, instead of going out dancing or with friends, my brother and I preferred to stay in our rooms reading like bookworms.

Your family is a reader and that's amazing! I'm sure the habit stayed until today :)

Hello @mamaemigrante

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I enjoyed reading your post..
You and your brother fought a good fight.