Honey, I'm Home

in #hive-1063162 years ago

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April 2023 (!)


I did my absolute best to participate in #HivePUD but the internet thought it better I not post this yesterday for some probably good reason.

And, these days, I don't fight the flow quite so much.

I gave it a solid go but at around 10:00pm last night, had to concede I was beaten again and it just wasn't gonna happen. It's a long story and I'll spare you the gory details. this time

This is a quick update to say "hey hello" and "I'm okay" fisted fist bump because some good folks around here have been a bit worried about this journey. Sorry... I'm an artist. I'm not here to make you comfortable... I'm here to make you feel... and, I hope, think. 😬

Yes... it's been quite a ride but life's like that, at times, and I'm resilient and experienced enough now to keep on walking through to, inevitably, come out the other side.

As we do.

And I have now. until next time

I think.


Who knows what happens next...


These days I stay open to being open to the possibilities because I can't resist following my curiosity...

and I'm not about to change this.

It's not about making a point or anything...

it's a way of life.



Original image source


p.s. Thanks for being there, guys. Some of this journey would've sucked harder without the behind the scenes support from some of you. But the tough times are just as relevant and important as the sparkly times. If not even more so! So please don't be scared of them. And thank you again ❤️

"There is no coming to consciousness without pain."
-The master... Carl Jung


It's like a zombie apocalypse out on the road around here. An episode or three of "The Walking Dead". Love Zombies to the max but only on screen, to be clear, @riverflows.

I think, after COVID and with load-shedding to boot, many people are really struggling now. It's kinda "survival of the fittest" happening all over the place and most folks are pretty scared. Sh!t just got even more weird.

Or perhaps I'm still a bit naive and this is the way we humans "work". I choose to believe it's just survival stress, though.

It has, however, led to some interesting experiences and more learning as it does and, since I'm all into experience and learning...

I most definitely got what I wished for.

The last bit, however, was just plain tiring and a bit disappointing as "the best laid plan(s)" didn't work out.


And I was tired before that.

Also... my tolerance for sh!t was way, way down low by this time. So if you were running around looking for trouble and crossed my path then you got what you wished for too. Nice to meet you. ❤️


Now once-upon-a-time I would've believed some kind of force was guiding me to where I'm supposed to be...

but, these days, I'm not so sure of anything much anymore. The jury is officially out on this debate. All I do know is that the answer actually is (maybe) 42 and...

that where I was isn't where I want to be.

With some focus, and consistent effort, I've now made my way back to where I actually did want to stop and make a base camp last year, in November 2022.


Please check dates on headers of posts to see when the parts of this journey actually happened so you don't freak out for no good reason. And thanks for being you. Again.❤️


post header.png

The Accidental Theory is an experiential multimedia story. It will not be consecutive because life and learning isn't consecutive. The way the journey unfolds, and loops back to past events to illustrate "learning", is a part of the "experience". Headings are important! 😊


I reckon you'll understand why I wanted this to be "Base Camp" when you see where I finally am now.


April 2023 (!)


*sigh... and I feel like I can breathe again for the first time in six months of traveling.
Can you believe it's been that long already?!


I know this journey might freak some people out at times.

So does life.

Life isn't always a bed of roses.

We all know this.

But we often choose to avoid or ignore the grittier side of life. Or even avoid change because we're afraid of some of the challenges we will have to overcome during the process. The thing is...

learning always includes some mistakes and a bit of a bump and grind, if we're lucky, or two. if we're extra lucky

I've reached a stage in my life where the fear of things staying the same really has become worse than the fear of change. It's how I lost most of my fear and made peace with the rest of it that I'm trying to share around here. That, in my personal experience, is what led, ultimately, to my "liberation".

A part of this is sharing what the fear was that I had to walk through...

to find the kind of freedom I've found. Mentally and psychologically, that is. Physically... well... I'm still trying to figure this part out.

My point here is...

please don't worry quite so much.

I chose this, remember? I chose life. I chose adventure over safety. I chose experience over comfort. I chose mobility over stability because I've spent most of my life living Groundhog Day.

Time is precious to me now. In truth it should be for all of us but I have the benefit/curse (your choice) of being reminded of this every day, which really does away with a f*ck ton of procrastination and messing around.

Personally... I want to live a liddle before I level up, please.


I left Noordhoek knowing exactly how challenging this journey might be without transport or financial back up. I made the decision to hit the road after a year of recovering and considering my options carefully.

I left Noordhoek because, eventually, I realised I couldn't go back to the life I once had in Cape Town anyway. Even if I did want to.

Sometimes we've just seen and experienced too much to "go back".

I wasn't really alive or living for many, many years in that town anyway, you know. I have to live like this now...

to really feel alive. I always did.

I don't know how else to explain it to you, other than to show you something written by a someone who'd simply nod in agreement.

And who has said it far better. again


The Artist and his Shadow

By: Erik Rittenberry


He is unfit for this life, this
unduly managed era devoid
of poesy and freedom, a time
of useless haste in honor of
the illusion of progress,
a life starving of life, a life
dripping with chains as dull-witted
bureaucrats and political
imbeciles run amok.

There’s something dark and peculiar in him
that forbids his full participation in
the blatant absurdity of
today’s world.

Even as a child he felt something
fierce was there in him — an unrest, an
unrealized freedom, something
shadowy but knowing,
a deep-seated primordial power
groping endlessly in the
apocalyptical night.

It’s still there, stirring in the
inmost abyss, this esoteric ghost,
this daemon, dwelling
in the shadows of the soul,
convulsing and throbbing like a
diabolical gypsy in the throes
of ecstasy.

He tries, at times, to wash it away
with morality and decency, bowing
down to the sanctified normalcy
of his fellow humans. But still,
it’s there, raging, taunting him,
hounding him, forcing him
out of the prison of SELF
and into the creative realm,
the destructive realm,
into the elemental kingdom
of existence.

It calls forth the spirit
into a higher dominion of being
and yearns for expression, this
enigmatic drive,
even at the cost of reputation
and alliance
and it tempts the body, the vehicle
of the soul, to thrive with
Dionysian defiance,
and it wants to flip over the table
of conventionalities and go to war
with all customary forms and
cultural norms.

It’s this archaic force that burns from
the most profound depths
of his being, an insatiable rapture
that coalesces the dark of the unconscious
with the universal light, arousing
the sheer realization of his
utter nothingness — the
true awakening.

He could hardly put on a mask and
endure the typical occupation, or
partake in the social games
of the ordinary, blindly acting
out his role on the stage of culture,
following the fashions of the
day, living uncritically as a
conditioned child.

with no creed or title and a
fierce contempt for conceptual
reality, he’s in spiritual exile
from the place and time
he was born into. Terribly
alone among his contemporaries,
by an arid society, an
aimless wanderer, he is, laughed at
by the well-adjusted, their minds
chloroformed with low-grade
entertainment, their meanings
and desires built into them
from the outside.

The more emaciated they are inwardly,
the showier they become outwardly.

But he cares nothing of status
and spectacle or the unimaginative
interests of the bourgeois, so he
ventures onward
an austere existence,
choosing the possibility of
poverty over pointless labor,
autonomy over dependency,
art over it all –

an unconditional renunciation
of a secure existence in
search of the sublime.

He’s in flight from the endless trivialities
that make up the modern world, choosing
instead to live perilously close to
the primal forces within.

His fate, he knows. He is doomed
to suffer alone.

When uninspired, the firm grip of melancholy
takes hold and he becomes the unhappiest
of mortals, endlessly sloshing around in
a cesspool of despair, nourishing
his apathy with whiskey and
mascara-smeared love.

But when enthused, he’s lit up,
galvanized, electrified, and his
heart is filled to the brim
with poetic rapture and the
forces at work within him
become relentless. He is
transformed into a mere
instrument of supremely
powerful forces,
consecrating and sacrificing
every fiber of his BEING to the
supreme task of
quenching the thirst
of a bone-dry

“O melodies above me in the infinite,
To you, to you, I rise.”

Orignal source


Now on we go, please. Send supplies - need money for cocaine and dancing girls a car to travel further afield; a haircut and other personal panel beating that shall not be named. Or not. I'm gonna do it anyway, right? 👍

Yep. On we go!

Fearlessly whenever possible.

And if not...

then on we go anyway...

until we aren't afraid anymore. ❤️ 👣 barefoot is best



@wwwiebe - Website almost done. Really almost. Almost...


Featured image mine: "Me and my shadow" - Pringle Bay, 2022 😉

Images edited with GIMP. Video made with YouCut. Soundtrack of video: Dreadzone: "Elevate"

▶️ 3Speak


"Friend thank you for your company"

I'd like to sit and have tea with you, friend. That's for sure.

Thank you. This is now up there with "Ripple".

I like your mind. Want to throw this all in and go and live in the woods, sit under the stars by a campfire and forget about trying to talk?

Definitely! Sounds perfect :D

Cool. Can't wait :)

I'd like to meet your wife too. I bet she's something!

That would be lovely actually, one day.

Certainly my sweetheart is like no other.
And we're about as different from one another as people could probably be. Turns out that's a good thing, even though we drive each other 'round the twist sometimes.

No, you didn't miss any replies, if that's what you mean. I am just extraordinarily late at getting to check my notifications from months back; whenever it was I started ranting on your post...

I am a woefully inadequate Hiver


I think you're a perfectly marvelous Hiver.

Do keep being you.

Okay then... off to play for a while. We must, you know. To avoid getting too old and too serious.

See you always :)

That's kind of you. Thanks. Yes, the time for fun is always. Have a good one!


I think I sensed optimism even through the curtain of sarcasm and your favorite tricks).

Anyway, it was exciting again!

Thanks for the mention, I think we all appreciate you here for all the crazy dancing.) Dancing with our brains naturally!

I sure did!



Exciting is good feedback. Thank you.

Hey... "we might as well dance" my darling man.

We're wasting good time if we don't!

Yes. A bit of light creeping back in. Environment is really important. Last few months were really challenging (and a bit scary at times) environments. It took its toll on my sense of humour. Day two here and starting to feel more relaxed.

Thanks for staying connected. Special guy!

Still half days of productivity here with loadshedding and I'm just too tired to burn the midnight oil now (or right now) but I'll do my best to come and visit you and catch up with what you've been up to tomorrow. I know you're always super active around here! Hope you got some rest this weekend and did that "detox". Did you? :)

Happy Sunday 😊🌼

Hope you got some rest this weekend and did that "detox". Did you? :)

Not yet). But I'm definitely taking steps toward it. 😜😂

Happy new day!

@nickydee! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @stdd. (6/20)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.


I knew it! Takes on to know one!

Oh well. Just take care of yourself, please.

Need you around to keep on keeping on. We need other, my friend.

Happy Monday 🌼


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@nickydee, @stdd(1/4) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

You must be killin' it out here!
@nickydee just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @stdd.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

You must be killin' it out here!
@stdd just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @nickydee.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Cocaine and dancing girls are always a priority! Life is a journey, might as well enjoy it!


I'm all for a bit of Hedonism. Go for it!

As far as cocaine is concerned I'd suggest you stick to stuff that raises your awareness though. And connects you rather. Cocaine turns good people into assholes in under a minute!

When last did you try to socialize with someone is on cocaine?! 🙄

Life is a journey but a groovy ride is better than a fast one, I reckon. But I'm getting old and I've always preferred cruising to racing to the finish. Better scenery this way :D

Those dancing girls can be hot though! 😅

You're right, it's been a while since I've bumped into such a person, I try to avoid drunks for similar reasons! As I've got older I've adapted to the slower pace of life, and smoking tends to bring a more relaxed evening, Having recently purchased a camper and started doing some travelling it's been an awakening!

There's a lot to life if you're willing to find it! Sloth and steady wins the race. More time to enjoy the scenery!

I used to let the world pass me by all too often, taking some time to look around and enjoy it is something Hive has also helped me realise! Lots of great posts from around the world! Sometimes I'm amazed at what's been on my doorstep for years without me taking the time to look!

Sloth and steady wins the race

Stealing this 👍

And yeah... drunks are boring as hell :D They tend to think they're supremely fun and funny though. 😅

I guess "to each their wown"

You have a camper van now? Room for two more?

Two more camper vans? No I can only drive one at a time 😂

If you’re willing to brave the cold Scottish winters there’s always space!

Aw... thanks!

I'll brave just about anything for travel and adventure these days.

Maybe I'll come knocking one day.

Don't be scared :D

The day you get your admin sorted is the day an alien has taken you over or should be that a l i en
Love the pyjama dancing and mention and thanks for you being you N!

Yeah... don't tell my mum! She'll say I told you she's useless at admin.

I"m just busy y'know! (also... I loathe admin so... )

But it don't matter, T. Long as we stay connected.

I love my pajamas. It's bad. Worse since lock-down and I can get away with it now. 😉

Form follows comfort these days. There shall be more dancing forthcoming because... well... music! And dancing!

Nah dude... thanks for being you 😁

Gotta go to sleep now. It's a school day tomorrow.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🌼


@tengolotodo, @nickydee(3/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Morcheeba now I have not heard before, love the video and love the tune and the lyrics, thank you for that!

Of course, admin and you do not go together, but enjoy the ride and I can see spring coming here with new light and things get brighter for you too!

Oh my... Morcheeba though.

They're amazing. Go and listen. Now! Please!

It's called "selective admin".

And I do it all at once and then nothing for weeks. This doesn't always work out okay :)

You know what? I think the tide is actually turning here proper now. It feels different.

Enjoy the Spring! It was a long winter!! <3 You.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@stdd(12/15) tipped @nickydee (x2)

I've reached a stage in my life where the fear of things staying the same really has become worse than the fear of change

Same here. Why I need to get out of this rut Im in now.

You're busy doing it!

Keep connecting. As you can. It's very important for your mental well being. As you cleverly have seen yourself already.

Transformation takes time. You're in a big shift. Please be patient with yourself! And kind to yourself.

Keep moving forward, one day at a time, and it will happen as it happens.

Thank you for saying hello


Website almost done. Really almost. Almost...

This makes me happy. Almost about as much as seeing you dance so freely. Now that's some liberation! That is definitely some goodness for the body and soul. It's super awesome to see peace making it's way into your life.

We could start a cult. It's tax free 👍

Hahaha. We would need to think of an appropriately smooth name!


Never been good at coming up with names. I suspect you'll be better

Let's let it simmer

Hey you.

Almost almost... I think it's also a decision and commitment of some kind so I'm mulling over the consequences of setting it loose!

Disappear and dance. Or push forward online... hmmmm.

Oh - I've been dancing freely and every day since the farm. And then some. Since November last year. I've just gathered enough steam to share some of it! But thank you :)

I can't do without it. Music and movement.

This place! SO happy here. Thank f*ck! It's so beautiful and slow it's surreal actually. I'm busy decompressing. Only day four today so...

p.s. rentals are inexpensive and the beach is five minutes walk away ;)

Sending tons of love, dude. I hope you got some rest and peace yourself this weekend. <3

p.s. rentals are inexpensive and the beach is five minutes walk away ;)

This sounds like a prime location to work on a tan! And fly kites! I hope you have a kite to fly on the beach. A big one. Shaped like a dragon.

Hah! Lost my kite on the travels

Good point! Kites it shall be.

I'd like one in the shape of a Chinese dragon, please. Now that would be summink to behold above the lagoon...

‘Loverly’….💕And an artist you are.

Keep learning, keep moving -evolving and growing. Embracing change in all its shades.
👆🏽 that was for me though, to take note of from such a lovely writing.

Thank you😁 More grace on this beautiful journey you are embarking on🙏🏽

Hello :)

What a "loverly" comment! (Love that song. Still! But only the way Audrey pulled it off!)

You've brought more grace to it by engaging and being you. What a graceful entry! I could learn summink from you for sure :D

Have a beautiful start to the week and thanks for connecting.


Awwwwgh!🥹 the pleasure is mine🙏 Thank you loads.
You too💕


You must be killin' it out here!
@nickydee just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @whitneyalexx.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

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@whitneyalexx, @nickydee(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

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Hello @nickydee

This is @tengolotdo and I'm part of the Silver Bloggers’ Community Team.

Thank you for sharing your excellent post in the Silver Bloggers community! As a special "token" of appreciation for this contribution to our community, it has been upvoted, reblogged and curated.



Thanks, #silverbloggers and the amazing T for the ongoing support and encouragement to share my opinionated opinions and (often) hilariously bad decisions. :D

Love you, guys! ❤️