In the nick of time.

in #hive-1063162 years ago

The gosling was on its last grains of strength and it was obviously abandoned, as the parents were nowhere to be seen.

No chance that he would make it if I didn't find him.

In fact I was told that there were two of them and the other one was found dead earlier that morning. We have seen before that this was not a good place for the geese to have babies, as there are many raptor birds that fly in to scoop the babies up out of the water. So the parents must have abandoned the last two in fear of their own lives.

Note: Due to power cuts, I had to do a shorter post today, but also a good one. For the followers of the Franschhoek Motor Museum, I will do the contents of Hall 3 on Thursday.

This was where I found him and I knew immediately that something was wrong, as normally they scatter at speed when humans come near them.

So I gently touched him and the brave little fella tried to make a get-away.


I followed him at a discreet distance, as he went along at a very slow pace and I didn't want to scare him.


But I knew that sooner or later he would come to the side again, and I circled around ahead of him. At a distance, of course.


And finally he came towards the side.

So I got him and in the process I messed some water on my camera lens.

Nothing that a quick wipe of the lens on my shirt couldn't fix and you can see how malnourished and tired he was.

Luckily for this little guy I found some help for him, as there is a bio-diversity manager on the farm that I did not know about. I walked into the wine cellar building with the little one and asked at the reception if they had an emergency number for me to call as the little one was almost kaput.
A young guy brought a small box and said that I should put him inside the box, as the reception would call the bio-diversity manager to take care of him. Another guy walked in and he said that he found another one dead this morning, but he didn't see this one.
According to the oohs and the aahs, I could see that they were caring people and they assured me that the little gosling would be taken care of.
So, I left with a happy heart!

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


I had a little duck like this when I was a kid

Thank you, and glad that you had a little duck once.

Cooling off in small ponds best suited for ducks on hot summer days

Yes, ponds are great for ducks on hot summer days and they are also great feeding spots for the raptors.

You saved this little guy's life. Nice.

Like I said before, my friend, we help where we can. Whether its man or beast.


Little one looks hungry and exhausted, good news someone on the farm has knowledge on how to assist.

Egyptian goose may come greet you in near future healthy and happy once again.


Oh yes, he was almost done, and it was so great to know that he will be placed in caring hands.

I so pray that that would happen, but it is a long shot.


Resilient and feisty sure to recover after a little TLC.


The little thing will surely soon be up and about again.


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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Aawww so great you saved the little fellow. Well done Zac.
Hope he was taken care of 😊👋🏻

Thank you and yes he is now at a good place 🙏

You are welcome Zac 😊🤗


I was going to tell you a time travel joke...
but you didn't like it.

Credit: reddit
@papilloncharity, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @littlebee4

Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

So glad you happened upon this little one at the right time. I have a soft spot for the orphaned or forsaken babies. Thank you for your kind heart!

Thank you, and I was also so glad that I could get to him in time, but it like they all say, I was at the right place at the right time. I think these times are designed to test our hearts.


🍕 PIZZA Party!

I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
papilloncharity tipped joanstewart (x1)
joanstewart tipped papilloncharity (x1)
@johannpiber(6/15) tipped @papilloncharity (x11)
papilloncharity tipped nathen007 (x1)
papilloncharity tipped acesontop (x1)
papilloncharity tipped ellenripley (x2)
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Please vote for pizza.witness!

Thank you!

This story made my day, Zac, I'm so happy that you have found this little guy and also people who care 😊

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

It is the greatest complement, to me to make someone's day, Hannes😊

I was certainly blessed to find someone there that could take care of the little one.

Cheers and thanks.

You honestly have, my friend, after a long day with many things that didn't work as planned, I really enjoyed your story 😊

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

I know that you are an honest guy and every now and then the mountain goat tricks come out, but we have to have fun on here.
Everyone here is walking around with long faces, as the power cuts have a psychological, negative influence on everyone, but we simply battle on with a smile.😊

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Right, we have to have fun and the mountain goat tricks aren't that bad, or are they 😂 !LOLZ

I just said in the other comment that I wouldn't take the power cuts as easy as you do, and I am sure that my face would be as long or even longer than your people over there.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Right I am back and hello Hannes,

Oh no, instead I love the mountain goat tricks 🤣 !LOLZ

A difficult thing to cope with my friend and if it was only the power cuts and the losses to the economy to cope with, we could manage. The sad thing is that criminals also see the power cuts as a bonus, as all alarms and lights are switched off. So one has to be very careful and it creates added stress.

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Hi Zac,

now I'm glad because I thought I have to start behaving myself 😂 !LOLZ

Oh yes, I forgot about these bad guys who take advantage of the darkness to steal hard earned things from honest people. Luckily we don't have an alarm, so this will not be a problem ... and luckily there's nothing valuable to find here.
Sarkasm aside, it must be a really stressful situation when you are at home in the dark and someone could break in your house at any time.

Hope you have had a lovely Sunday afternoon although there was no power 🌞

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Hi Hannes,

Sorry, but the power cuts prevent me from both posting and still doing the replies on time.

No, I don't like to have friends that behave themselves, as that is not normal 🤣 !LOLZ

Danger is all around these days, even in broad daylight and one has to keep an eye out constantly. We have a great method, as we move together and Marian watches my back when I take photos.
She has a panic button and she has already warned me a few times when shady characters, especially at the beach, try to get close to me.
Pray that you guys will never get into a situation like this my friend.

Cheers and thanks.

@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

this yet again shows what a kind and caring person you are, without your help that sweet little thing probably had no chance of surviving

Specially i love as like little duck. I have twenty giving egg duck.

Great that you have 20 ducks 😊

I can remember years ago, I was driving down the road when I saw a little duckling trying to climb the kerb. I stopped because it couldn’t get off the road. I couldn’t find his or her family on the reservoir, so I nipped into the nearby factory to ask for a box. I was going to take it to the vets who tend to pass lost strays to animal sanctuaries.

Here I was with several burly chaps trying to find me a box. One of them told me that he could take the duckling to his dad as he knew all about ducks. It turned out that his dad had looked after lost ducklings before and even managed to hatch deserted eggs, so he was quite knowledgeable. I left the duckling in good hands. It was just like a jigsaw puzzle that just fitted together.

What a wonderful story, Lady Julie. The problem that we have is that if we take them to the vets, the vets have the tendency to put the animals down. In some cases, they can really do no more for them as they are not equipped with the infrastructure to save animals.

The last time that we took one there, was a Pied Crow and its right leg was broken. So now the Pied Crow is no more.
There are special animal rehabilitation centers here, and we now have a list of them with contact details. The sad thing is that they receive so many calls that they can't help everybody all of the time, so I was really lucky - like you in your story - to get the little goose the help that he needed.

Btw. Burly guys normally have very good hearts, especially when they see a female 🤣


Yes, I agree with you about some vets putting them to sleep. You have to do a bit of research about them and choose wisely.

Burly guys - 😁

Thank you and we have also noticed that. Always best to go through the proper contacts to get them help. Sadly, not so many of them around.


That's great. Geese make wonderful guard dogs.

Your good deed for the day will be returned back many times.

Best wishes :-)

Oh yeah! Glad that you liked it, and geese are certainly very good property protectors.

Thanks, but we just continue to help wherever we can.

Best wishes also to you.