Don't feel small hearing about the success of someone's life!

in #hive-1063162 years ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
All praise be to Allah Almighty
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the grace of Allah I am also very well by your prayers and by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah.

Don't feel small hearing about the success of someone's life!

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Remember one thing, it takes a long time for a person to become successful. No person can become successful suddenly. It is not that easy to achieve success. Read the stories behind those who are successful. Maybe it will take you a day or two to read the story. Maybe it will take less time. It may take many years to achieve success.

Sometimes there are some people among us or our friends and relatives who stop when they hear about someone's success. Is it right to feel small? Look at the back of the man who shared the story of achievement very simply and see how much he struggled to achieve success.

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In plain language, I am talking about a YouTuber I met. He uploads videos on YouTube and shares the sources of online earning. He has a telegram.

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He started his first online earning in 2017. He tells us his life story sometimes. He says that it was difficult for him to earn 75 rupees a month but now he earns about one and a half lakh or more. How is it possible?

His income in a month was not 75 taka but at present his income is one to one and a half lakh taka or more then if this is also possible think from your own place you will understand how easy and how difficult it is.

There are many of us who get bored very soon lose our patience about my career if I say many people started working online with me but nowadays we are only maybe 20-30 people together or much less.

If we talk about online income and success, achieving success in reality is one thing and achieving success online is different, never think of the two in the same way. If you work hard, people can achieve success, as you can observe in your life.

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Nowadays, you will see many people who have heard about freelancing, many people are saying that they are successful. That person is doing it. Oh brother, it is not so easy. It is not easy at all. After hearing about the success of others, a feeling of boredom sets in. You feel small, why can't you do it?

Hey brother, it will be done by you, there should be a little effort, remember one thing, whoever takes the task in mind, don't leave it until the task is finished, what we do, if we do a little work, leave the task thinking that it won't be done by me. Hey, why not by you? Start from where you got stuck and keep trying until the task is completed.

You try from your place. Second, trust in the Creator. He may have something in store for you that will trouble you, something that you can get back up from. Start success inshallah.

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Keep another thing in mind, one said you can't, so you will quit the work, you can never quit another person is achieving success, it feels good to hear his success story or story, you want to have such a story in your life, keep this in mind.

Thank you very much for spending your valuable time to read my article.

If you like what I wrote, then please let me know in the comment box. I wish you all to be well and be healthy. I leave here like today. Again, with any new matter, please stay with you till then.



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