The Wood Warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix) Budníček lesní

in #hive-1064444 months ago

V sobotu jsem vyrazil fotit do Klánovického lesa u Prahy a vzal si sebou malý externí bluetooth reproduktor.
Koupil jsem ho nedávno kvůli ptákům, protože hlas z mobilu je moc slabý.
Sice je to taková malá kostka, ale dobře se nosí a zvuk je slyšet mnohem lépe.
Mnohem víc se mi líbil jiný, ale ten měl cca 600 gramů a to je na nošení už dost. Přeci jen plánuji celodenní výlety, nebo i někde v terénu přespat.

Pustil jsem zpěv budníčka lesního přímo v revíru, kde už jeden zpívá a hned přilétl až k reproduktoru.
Jak tak poletoval a posedával rozčileně okolo, podařilo se mi udělat pár fotek.
Bez krytu, jen tak opřený o strom.
Pravda je ale, že mám ověřeno z minulých let, že tento druh reaguje na hlas velmi dobře a vždy bez čekání přiletí. V každém případě to bylo hezké focení.

On Saturday I went to the Klánovice forest near Prague to take some photographs and I took a small external Bluetooth speaker with me.
I bought it recently because of the birds, as the voice from my phone is too weak.
It's sort of a little cube, but it fits well and the sound is much better.
I liked the other one much better, but it weighed about 600 grams and that's a lot to carry around. After all, I'm planning day trips or even an overnight stay somewhere in the field.

I played the song of a wood warbler in the range where it already sings, and it flew right up to the speaker.
As it flew and sat around excitedly, I managed to get a few photos.
No cover, just leaning against a tree.
But the truth is, I know from previous years that this species responds very well to the voice and always flies in without waiting. Anyway, it was a nice photo shoot.






What a great idea to take a speaker to the forest, great what you can achieve with sound. An idea that I am going to implement.
What a beautiful bird, and what beautiful shots.
Thank you very much dear friend @birdwatcher for sharing these beautiful images

And install application on mobile.
There you will find birds in your area. It helps with recognition and you can use voices for your speaker. Bluetooth is enough for communication.
The special advantage is that ebird recognize voices automatically.

Když jsem byl před třemi týdny u nás v parku na vycházce s ornitoložkou, tak taky pouštěla různé zpěvy. Ale zrovna tam bylo hodně ptáků různých druhů, kteří se vzájemně překřikovali, tak to moc nefungovalo :)

Různé druhy reagují rozdílně. Zrovna budníček lesní velmi dobře.

You are so smart @birdwatcher the name birdwatcher really fits you. The bird
is beautiful. I like the color of its feathers.

I knew I would get him, it was just a shame it was in the dark of the forest. It affects the colour of the photo.

Very beautiful photos. Good job!

Thank you, it made me happy too. The time when birds respond so well to voice is short.

You are Welcome!

Beautiful little bird.
Best of luck🤞

Handsome and one of my favourites in spring, the voice is easy to recognise.

Ahn, almost the birds sound the same but easy to identify.

Excellent shots 👏👏👏👏. Amazing 👏👏

What a sharp looking bird who looks ready for action. Beautiful yellow colour.


If he had found a competitor instead of a speaker, it would have been "sharp" 😂