This is my entry for the Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 73 which is hosted by @nelinoeva! The theme for this round is "Birds Bums/Bottoms". You can learn more about the contest and how to enter HERE!
My photos today feature, literally, a couple of "bums"! They are of the female House Sparrow and her male counterpart and their undercarriages aka bums, bottoms, behinds, backsides and some may even say butts! Yes, I know there are other names as well butt I think you get the idea!
This one is the female House Sparrow. The bird feeder poles are a popular spot for all of the birds when they visit. Sometimes the birds just like to perch on them and take in their surroundings, wait for their turn at a feeder, take a seed from the feeders up there to eat and some may even catch a little nap up there. This little girlie was waiting for her chance to get a seed from one of the feeders and I was able to capture a few photos of her backside.
Here is her sleepy male counterpart that I caught catching a quick little nap!
These are a couple of photos leading up to him falling asleep. As he fell asleep he slowly drifted slightly forward bringing his tiny tail up for a better view of his behind.
About two weeks earlier I caught this male House Sparrow taking a nap and showing off his bottom as well. Is it the same little fellow? Hmm .. hard to say but their little bottoms do look very much the same. Mind you, not that I really studied them that closely! 😁
All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.