A single pair sitting over there [smap]

in #hive-1064446 months ago

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

Today, it's been almost since 15 day's that it's not sunshine here and weather is foggy here on our side and even now people are waiting for sunshine. I did laundry yesterday as I've a pile of clothes to wash out and I've to wash them because if yesterday I didn't wash my clothes then maybe pile will touch the roof haha I'm just joking here.

Well, yesterday when i went to roof, there's a tree on the backside of our house and many little sparrows lives there, but yesterday there's a peace on that tree mean no more sound of birds as they're not chirping or singing because some are hibernate in winter's.

But I see a pair of sparrow, although it's little different from house Sparrow but it's a sparrow and i see only that one single pair of sparrow on tree maybe it's also hibernate from somewhere to here or maybe I'm wrong in my imagination.

It's clear that these lil bird's also feel cold over there but nature has protective system for them too and they've their nest too on the tree while i didn't see any nest on the tree but maybe my eyes didn't reach towards them.

Entry picture

I captured some pictures and go back to downstairs because i feel real cold on upstairs. But i was thinking about nature, how it works sometimes we clearly understand but sometimes we entangled ourselves in a lot of questions!!!!

  • That's all for today and it's also my entry to this week #smap contest theme. And all pictures were captured by me.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍


Yes, these sparrows are different from house sparrows and sitting in very calm manner. I also did laundry but on Sunday. But, thanks to Allah sun is sunshining here properly.

Yes it's different but these are also a kind of sparrow, we still don't have sunshine here , it's more foggy then previous day's 😬

How nice that you observe the birds near your house. Thank you for your entry. 🙂

Birds are always beautiful creatures to observe, thank you for the ecency points 😀

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