Why Did The Canada Geese Cross the Seawall?

in #hive-106444last month

The sunsets have been outrageous as the seasons turn and the forest fires burn. Some of that haze, if not all, belong to the smoke that accumulates in the atmosphere and filters the light in a peculiar way. Throughout the day, the light is weak, a pale yellow that reminds me of the filter used in shows to denote Mexico.

These four Canada geese were out for a stroll in the evening. I like how disciplined they are. Twelve species have been identified across Canada. They are monogamous bird and mate for life. 💖 They lay 2-12 eggs one or two times through the breeding season. Its wingspan is about 4 1/4-5 1/5 ft (Bird, 2016).

There was a lot of salad in the ocean, so I'm fairly it was dinner time.


David M. Bird (editor). 2016. Pocket Birds of Canada.

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Images by @litguru

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Canada Geese the bird lays 2-12 eggs which are few but still they Surviving in the world

They're very productive and unfortunately, they have become too abundant. This causes problems in the ecosystems across Canada, so cities try to limit their numbers through various means. They are protected, but some species are allowed to be hunted.

Good morning dear friend @litguru
I am very sorry for the forest fires that occur every year.
What beautiful photographs, I love how orderly the geese are when they walk
Have a great day

Thank you! It's a constant battle every year against the fires. It hasn't been as bad as previous years. The Canada geese like to hang out at the beach, and this was a nice sunset they enjoyed.

I love to see them one after the other... dinner is ready!!! What a pity so many fires even if the colour of the sky is beautiful.💗

They're everywhere, and they're fun to see (if they're not chasing you).


I bumped into them once and they wouldn't let me pass, it was in a zoo hahaha.

😆 We call them "cobra chickens" because they can be aggressive.

My friends distracted him while I was passing by hahaha they are violent yes hahaha