Water, the world's essentiality.

in #hive-1064442 years ago

Nothing could live without it and there are water scarcities in most country's.

I have seen a few droughts in my long lifetime and it created a habit in me to be extremely grateful every time that it rains.

It will continue to rain here for the next few days and as I watch the drops on my window it reminds me of the essentiality of water for us , our wildlife and for human life. Some areas in our country are suffering from droughts for many years now and new drought areas are continually added.
We also had a severe drought situation here in the Western Cape province, that was thankfully broken by rain four years ago but the other places are still suffering. Not a pleasant sight to see dead cattle and animals next to a dry dam.
Let me show you some of our water birds today.


A couple of Yellow-billed ducks came to pose for me. So, I asked them to perform a double dive stunt for me.

Hahaha...they giggled and look at the double dive below.


Here we have a Moorhen and a baby.

Oops! She had two babies:)
So light that they can walk on the floating leaves of the water plants.

Beautiful sights and we pray that it will continue forever, but you and I know that sooner or later the drought will strike again. It seems to work in seven year cycles, but in some cases here there are now places that have already had drought for much longer periods.
The rainfall has also changed, as it is now much heavier rain that fall and the old days of four day light rain have passed away. Now only intense storms with tons of water create dangerous floods and all the water runs into the ocean.
Let's hope that we will continue to get rain.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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Nice place. No wonder birds live there. Photos are funny.😀

Thank you and yes, it is a paradise for the birds 😊


I love the second photo, Zac, it's lovely - so calm and peaceful 😊

The two diving ducks are gorgeous 😄

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Thank you Hannes,

Oh yes, I think that serene scene is great for mediation and prayer 😊

I was so glad that the ducks agreed to do a combined dive 😉

Cheers and thanks.

My pleasure, Zac, and you're very right - I can imagine sitting there for a while and just admire the beauty of Mother Nature ... until Lady Patience reminds me that I'm not patient at all 😉 !LOLZ

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

Good evening Hannes,

Patience my friend as there will come a time when you could sit there for hours.
Let's just hope that you will not be so old that you can see and hear nothing anymore 🤣 !LOLZ

Cheers and thanks.

Did you hear the one about the giant pickle?
He was kind of a big dill.

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Good morning Zac,

and let's not hope that I'm in a wheelchair which I can't move myself and therefore have to sit there for hours ... until they find me 🤣 !LOLZ

I'm on my way to a few waterfalls (today is a holiday here) and if I am not too tired when I return home I will reply to the other comments 😁

Hope you're having a great start into the new week with sunshine 🌞 and no rain 😊

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus?
Ten- tickles

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Good evening Hannes,

I really hope that you will never end up in a situation like that, but in saying this nature might force you into into Lady Patience arms one way or another 🤣 !LOLZ

Ah, the waterfalls always make for great photos so enjoy my friend.
I am late today and have only done me second post now, as we worked here in the house all day and it's not finished yet. The house was built in the 30's and it has many hidden problems.
We stripped the tiles off the shower floor, as a new base needs to be laid and we discovered many holes at the edges that leaks into the walls.
Look at this.

And if you think that is bad look what it looks like under the bath!

So yeah, I am sure that there are many more bad discoveries waiting for us.

It was a great start to my new week, as all of the things will be repaired, but rain wise will happen tomorrow with yet another wet and cold storm arriving.

Cheers and thanks.

If alcohol negatively affects short-term memory...
What does alcohol do?

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Wow, this looks really bad, my friend, and I do hope that you have been able to do repair much of it.

Have a !PIZZA from me, served with !LUV

The good thing is that the owner has budgeted for the problems and now we have 4 teams of contractors to take care of everything. So I can sit back and continue to get older 🤣 !LOLZ

Another two or three weeks and all will be good again.

Cheers and thanks.

Be there or be square!
If you're not there, then I assume you're not a round.

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LOLZ staking coming August 14! Please read our latest update for details on how it will impact you.

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@johannpiber thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !