Birdwatching - 2176 🐦

in #hive-1064446 days ago

🦉 The common rosefinch (Carpodacus erythrinus)

  • Carpodacus Greek: karpos fruit, daknō to bite
  • erythrinus erythros (Greek, lat.) red

This bird, which in the old days was called "red sparrow", inhabits open spaces with thickets of bushes, forest edges, river floodplains. However, I met this male simply in the forest, among trees and bushes. There flows a tiny river and bushes grow, where this male was staying.

They have a very strange migration route, which stretches all the way to the east. That is, the birds first fly in a flock to the east, and then return back to the spruce hook. And in connection with this, they arrive late, in mid-May, which is quite late compared to other grain-eating birds.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD

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