Birdwatching - 2179 🐦

in #hive-1064443 days ago

🦉 The great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major)

  • Dendrocopos Greek: dendron tree, coptō to hit, beat
  • major (lat.) big

Well, we are getting closer and closer to spring, and therefore to the mating season for birds. If you pay attention, you can notice that some birds are already starting to look for a partner. They sing songs. Woodpeckers (except for the wryneck) do not sing, but drum on the bark of a tree, and not only the bark, but on any surface in general.

Woodpeckers are very important for the forest ecosystem. They eat harmful insects that harm trees. Plus, they hollow out hollows where they have offspring, and then these abandoned hollows are used by other birds as shelter or occupied for nesting.

Nikon D5200Tamron SP AF 150-600mm f/5-6.3 Di VC USD

Magnificent photos!