This is My Entry for Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 104 : Beautiful Cock

in #hive-1064442 years ago


Hello everyone
After a long time , I am back again in Feathered Friends Photo Contest . Well everyone know that . this community is one of the most attractive for all time . As a photographer i love to attend all contest . but some time is not possible for me.

Well this week contest is about birds beak . Contest link Here


Entry Photo

Cock is very common domestic bird. In every country every place we can see this birds . As a bird it can fly . But which cock are staying in forest this are fly very easily . but some domestic hens are fly very few time. but its one of the most beautiful land common birds in every country

This use its beak for eating and fighting . some time some component stand front of each others then start fighting because its very import to win in this fight winner got a area and in this area its can mating to every female

I click this photo in front of my house . this cock is very charming and one of the most strong that means this cock is one of the leader this area . that means this cock mating every hen of this area .


This cock climb up in a high place and then start calling to all female . this is an warning to every other cock that King is here . Don't try to mes with me'. its look like funny but its one of the most common way of animal and birds kingdom. i totally tired of this bird . because every morning its come to my house and start chirping and its feel very bad when i am sleeping .



Well lets talk about some thing different thing about this cock . You know that this birds meat is one of the most popular meat in all over the world . but when you buy at kfc this are from farm . its test is not much as you want . but this are most testy . each more expensive then farms.

Thanks to @nelinoeva and all sponsor of this contest

Thanks for your time

You Can find me in





Discord : #ridoykhan22#0033



He is a beauty, so well captured. 🙂

Thank you again for your entry.

For me, seeing a rooster is synonymous with waking up, that it is time to get up. What beautiful shots, and how many I remember these photos of my childhood bring me when I spent my vacations in the countryside.


Thank you.. Dear