Review of My Newly Purchased PC (Eng-Esp)

in #hive-106817yesterday


I thought I was never going to do this, so I'm glad I finally pulled myself away from laziness to give a review of my newly purchased PC. And I'm not quite sure why it took this much time to get this done. Maybe it's because I'm still deliriously happy and reeling in excitement from purchasing my first-ever just-mine PC bought from nothing other than my hard-earned cash and strength of will. Yeah, I've earned bragging rights over this one, lol. So yeah, I'm not the best at electronic views, but I'll give this my best shot without all that technical jargon.

I procured the HP Elitebook 1030G4 Intel Core i5. I'm not sure what those numbers mean but I guess there are different versions to it, because I saw another one whose numbers was 1135G7. Maybe you gurus can tell me what that means in the comments. It has 8GB RAM and 256 SSD. It also makes use of Windows 11. It has a base speed of 1.90 GHz and also has 8 Logical Processors. And yeah, I can testify to this because unlike other PCs I've used that have 4 Processors, this one with 8 makes it super fast.

Okay, I think I'm done withe the unexciting part of it. Let me now tell you the parts I like about this PC. First, the regular Keyboard light. I'm trying my best not to work late into the night these days but it certainly helps that I can at least see my keyboard at night when I need to type. Since there's constant light at home, it's not of much use now, but I know when I get back to the school dorm, it will come in very handy.

The next thing I love is that the monitor is touch screen. From someone that is coming from perpetually using her mobile phone for everything, you don't know how much this is a life saver. Your fingers on the keyboard are beginning to hurt? Just touch-scroll your way through everything. Lol.

Okay what else, it has the ability for facial recognition, so I can unlock my PC by just giving the monitor's camera my beaming smile and it opens for me. Isn't that cute? Also, this my pretty PC has a little fingerprint panel so I can work stuff out without using my pin. The craziest surprise for was the fact that its charging port is Type C, and although I've not tried it out and I hope not to, I can efficiently use my phone charger or even power bank to charge it, right? You people should tell me, please, before I spoil something. Lol.

One thing I forgot about till my friend came and tried it herself is the PC's ability to turn 360. even though I'd seen the dealer do it myself, I was ready to yell at my friend not to spoil my laptop. Hehe. But yeah, I was glad that I can turn my PC to a tablet. Will I be doing that often or even at all? No. But will I brag about it? Yes.

Inconsequential, but the power button is at the side. Isn't that amazing? I've not fully explored the software to give an accurate review but I'm loving the experience. About its charging abilities, it charges pretty fast and dispenses quite slowly. Again, I can't accurately tell this since there's good power supply but once I resume school, I'll know for sure.

I think that's about it. I got this PC for 500k Nigerian naira, which is about $300, more or less. A sure investment into my future so I'm not mad about it in the least. So, yeah guys, what do you think guys? Is this a good purchase?



Pensé que nunca iba a hacer esto, así que me alegro de que finalmente me alejé de la pereza para dar una revisión de mi PC recién comprado. Y no sé muy bien por qué he tardado tanto en hacerlo. Tal vez sea porque todavía estoy delirantemente feliz y emocionada por la compra de mi primer PC sólo mío, comprado con nada más que mi dinero duramente ganado y mi fuerza de voluntad. Sí, me he ganado el derecho a presumir de ello. Así que sí, no soy el mejor en vistas electrónicas, pero voy a dar lo mejor de mí sin toda esa jerga técnica.

He adquirido el HP Elitebook 1030G4 Intel Core i5. No estoy seguro de lo que significan esos números, pero supongo que hay diferentes versiones del mismo, porque vi otro cuyo número era 1135G7. Quizá los gurús me podáis decir qué significa en los comentarios. Tiene 8GB de RAM y 256 SSD. También hace uso de Windows 11. Tiene una velocidad base de 1,90 GHz y también tiene 8 Procesadores Lógicos. Y sí, puedo dar fe de esto porque a diferencia de otros PC que he usado que tienen 4 Procesadores, este con 8 lo hace super rápido.

Vale, creo que ya he acabado con la parte poco emocionante. Permítanme ahora decirles las partes que me gusta de este PC. Primero, la luz normal del teclado. Intento por todos los medios no trabajar hasta altas horas de la noche estos días, pero sin duda ayuda que al menos pueda ver mi teclado por la noche cuando necesito escribir. Como en casa hay luz constante, ahora no me sirve de mucho, pero sé que cuando vuelva a la residencia de estudiantes me será muy útil.

Lo siguiente que me encanta es que el monitor es táctil. Para alguien que viene de usar perpetuamente su teléfono móvil para todo, no sabes lo mucho que esto es un salvavidas. ¿Te empiezan a doler los dedos en el teclado? Solo tienes que desplazarte con el dedo por todo. Lol.

Además, tiene la capacidad de reconocimiento facial, por lo que puedo desbloquear mi PC con sólo mostrar mi sonrisa a la cámara del monitor y se abrirá para mí. ¿No es una monada? Además, este mi bonito PC tiene un pequeño panel de huellas dactilares para que pueda resolver cosas sin usar mi pin. La sorpresa más loca fue que su puerto de carga es Tipo C, y aunque no lo he probado y espero no hacerlo, puedo usar eficientemente el cargador de mi teléfono o incluso power bank para cargarlo, ¿no? Vosotros deberíais decírmelo, por favor, antes de que estropee algo. Lol.

Una cosa de la que me olvidé hasta que vino mi amiga y lo probó ella misma es la capacidad del PC de girar 360. Aunque había visto al vendedor hacerlo yo misma, estaba dispuesta a gritarle a mi amiga que no me estropeara el portátil. Jeje. Pero sí, me alegré de poder convertir mi PC en una tableta. ¿Lo haré a menudo o incluso nunca? No. ¿Pero presumiré de ello? Sí.

Intrascendente, pero el botón de encendido está en el lateral. ¿No es increíble? No he explorado completamente el software para hacer una crítica precisa, pero me está encantando la experiencia. En cuanto a su capacidad de carga, carga bastante rápido y dispensa bastante despacio. Una vez más, no puedo decir esto con precisión ya que hay una buena fuente de alimentación, pero una vez que reanude la escuela, lo sabré con certeza.

Creo que eso es todo. Conseguí este PC por 500.000 nairas nigerianos, que son unos 300 dólares, más o menos. Es una inversión segura para mi futuro, así que no me disgusta lo más mínimo. Así que, sí chicos, ¿qué pensáis? ¿Es una buena compra?


Images are mine.
Translated with DeepL.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Mi pc actual tiene especificaciones muy parecidas a la tuya, tiene la isma capacidad de convertirse en tablet lo cual me encanta, pero ten mucho cuidado, ya que las visagran pueden sufrir con eso, Saludos! muy buena pc!

Muchas gracias. Te lo agradezco e intentaré no hacer uso de la función 360 en la medida de lo posible, porque soy consciente del daño que puede hacer. Que tenga un buen día.🌺

Está muy increíble la PC, súper cool y las especificaciones están bien, puede tener poco espacio de almacenamiento pero que sea SSD hace que sea súper rapida, me parece genial la luz del teclado y que también sea táctil el monitor, me pareció bien precio por la PC :D

Gracias. El almacenamiento no es tan bueno, pero de todas formas no voy a depender mucho de él. Me alegro de que te haya gustado leer. Que tengas un buen día.🥰

Omoh, see specs and you just made me feel like I have been using a calculator all this while. This is a machine not just a PC, the size and other features you mentioned are just fantastic.

I don't know about the type c charger but your regular power bank would be powerless in powering the PC. 😊

Please we have to wash this one so I will bring soap, we just need water and sponge now.

Ahhh, George. This made me smile and laugh at the same time, thank you. And I've noted that my big 30k mAh power bank won't save me if the laptop wants to switched off. Let's hope there wouldn't be a need for that. Lol

Please we have to wash this one so I will bring soap, we just need water and sponge now.

Bring it fast.😂

Nice to see you finally reviewed her. She's beautiful.

HP Elitebook 1030G4

I'm not a guru, but from what I know, the 10 means it's a 10th generation pc

As for that G4, it's a show of the graphics card rating, it ranges from G1-G7 I believe. There's also Y and U (Low power processors), then there's H (high performance)

Okay, I think I'm done withe the unexciting part of it

Ouch, this was the interesting part to me 😂

Anyways I feel its a stellar purchase, she'll serve you well.

I just knew you'd be triggered cause these things are usually what makes your eye go round and stuff. So, sorry for the indirect diss. Lol.

And yeah, I've learnt something from you today concerning the stuff I couldn't understand, so thank you, B0s.🌺

It’s giving sugar mommy and rich aunty vibes . I don’t know anything about machines so all I can do is give you fans.😂

Congratulations on your latest baby. Many more to come.🫂❤️

Thank you, my Sugar Mommy.🥰
There's definitely going to be more in the future so let's keep working hard for it.🫂💕

es divertido saber como doblar algunos articulos y tu que lo compras saltas del susto por que no sabias se podia hacer :b en los celulares tmb se hace esas bromas, se ve una monada la pc que la disfrutes ^^

Me alegro mucho de que piense así. Me alegro de haber podido comprarlo y espero que pueda utilizarlo adecuadamente. Gracias por visitarnos y que tenga un buen día.🌺

Congratulations on your new baby Jhymi 🤗❤️

Thank you, Meya. I truly appreciate it.🥰

Great investment, Jhymi. Impressive stats as well. I have no doubt you're enjoying it.

And yeah, I can testify to this because unlike other PCs I've used that have 4 Processors, this one with 8 makes it super fast.

Yeah, that's one of the beauties of the newer gen Laptops. The 8 processors gives it this super cool feature called Turboost that makes the PC super super fast. That is why even though your PC has a low base speed of 1.9Ghz, it's still going to be several folds faster than later gen Laptops.

Hmm, perhaps, I should review mine sometime these days as well?

Another thing I've learnt. Thank you, Hamza. And yeah, I'd love to see your review on your own PC. I didn't even know you'd gotten her already. Well-done!✨

Congratulations Jhymi!! This is what they call a bug girl purchase!
500K is not easy money at all. You did well. And I'm pretty sure the laptop going to serve you so well.

Congrats once again!

Thank you, dearest Zita. I'm glad you think I'm a big girl. I certainly feel like that after this purchase.😄
I hope it serves me and that there will be more where that came from in the future. Hope you're having a relaxing weekend.🌺

It's a quality system. There are lots of potential inside that Pc in your custody, it's a worthing buy although I am pretty sure you won't be able to penetrate its full potential. It is really a power house. Congrats.

Wow. Maybe I'm going to have to learn more so I can properly utilize it. You seem to know a great deal about it, though. Have you used it before?