NAMASTE: An evening of friendship in Las Dalias! My first real party in Ibiza [Eng - Esp]

in #hive-1080455 days ago



NAMASTE: An evening of friendship in Las Dalias! My first real party in Ibiza

My dear friends of Hive, I hope you are having a lovely day! This time I bring you a party that gets a lot of applause in Ibiza. It's Namasté, a party held in Las Dalia, in San Carlos.

A few weeks ago, I took a bus with a friend of a friend to Las Dalias, line 16, which left us right at the door of the event.

We arrived a bit earlier than the door opened, so we spent some time chatting.

Once we were given the chance to enter, I felt like I was entering something akin to Alice's Wonderland, hehe. It turns out that Namasté, the Las Dalias party, was set up with flowers hanging in the air, strange shapes inviting you in, colours everywhere, graffiti, colourful chairs, a DJ who was creating an atmosphere of relaxation and partying at the same time, and many more sensations than I can describe here.

I liked the fact that just by being there and without even having a beer, the atmosphere itself and its decorations took you to another dimension.


NAMASTÉ: Una tarde de amistad en Las Dalias! Mi primera fiesta de verdad en Ibiza

Mis queridos amigos de Hive, espero que estén teniendo un hermoso día! En esta oportunidad les acerco una fiesta que se lleva muchos aplausos en Ibiza. Se trata de Namasté, una fiesta realizada en Las Dalia, localidad de San Carlos.

Hace unas semanas atrás, me tomé con la amiga de una amiga un bus hacia Las Dalias, la línea 16, que nos dejaba justo en la puerta del evento.

Llegamos un poco antes de que abriera la puerta, así que nos entretuvimos un rato charlando.

Una vez que dieron la posibilidad de entrar, sentí que estaba ingresando a algo parecido al País de las Maravillas de Alicia, jeje. Resulta que Namasté, la fiesta de Las Dalias, estaba preparada con flores colgando en el aire, formas extrañas que te invitaban a pasar, colores por todos lados, grafitis, sillas coloridas, un DJ que estaba creando una atmósfera de relajación y de fiesta al mismo tiempo, y muchas más sensaciones que es de describir por aquí.

Me gustó el hecho de que solamente con estar ahí y sin haber siquiera tomado una cerveza, el ambiente mismo y sus decoraciones, te trasladaran como a otra dimensión.







In addition, this event not only offered the party, but in the back there was a fair where they sold different products such as jewellery, clothes, and incense, all very original and aimed at a hippie chic public.

This is something that generates opposite reactions and reflections in me, because in a way it "shocks" me that they have commercialised the spiritual world so much. And the fact is that in this event one could see very clearly elements originating from the spiritual movements, taken to the extreme of capitalism, both in the commercialisation and in the fact of transforming all this into motives to intoxicate the body (I say this in passing, and later I will talk about it in another post).

Además, este evento no solo ofrecía la fiesta, sino que en la parte posterior había una feria en donde vendían diferentes productos como joyería, ropa, sahumerios, todos muy originales y apuntando a un público hippie chic.

Esto es algo que me genera reacciones y reflexiones opuestas, porque de alguna manera me “choca” que hayan comercializado tanto al mundo espiritual. Y es que en este evento se podían ver con mucha claridad elementos originarios de las movidas espirituales, llevados al extremo del capitalismo, tanto en la comercialización como en el hecho de transformar todo esto en motivos para intoxicar el cuerpo (lo digo al pasar a esto, y más adelante hablaré de ello en otro post).











The thing is that I was already there and all I wanted to do was relax, so I chose not to think too much and just enjoy the moment.

The party was great, with live music, with great energy, with people dancing like they wanted to, I really enjoyed it a lot. Besides, the group I was with was very nice. There was Teli, Viru and Coty, Viru's sister. And little by little and sporadically, other people who knew one or the other (all of them have been living in Ibiza for 2 years or more and all of them are from Argentina) joined us.
In the whole party, which lasted about 5 hours, I only drank 2 small beers that cost me €5 each. I didn't want to spend, but as I hadn't paid for a ticket, I treated myself to a drink.

Although the music was mainly electronic, I managed to dance and enjoy myself in my own way. I don't really like electronic music, hehe.

La cuestión es que yo ya estaba ahí y todo lo que quería era relajarme, así que elegí no pensar mucho y disfrutar el momento.

La fiesta fue genial, con música en vivo, con uy linda energía, con gente bailando como quisiera, la verdad es que lo disfruté muchísimo. Además el grupo con el que estaba era muy lindo. Estaban Teli, Viru y Coty, hermana de Viru. Y de a poco y esporádicamente, se fueron sumando otras personas que conocían a una u otra (todas ellas viven en Ibiza desde hace 2 años o mas y todas son de Argentina).
En toda la fiesta, que duró unas 5 horas, solo tomé 2 cervezas pequeñas que me salieron €5 cada una. No quería gastar, pero como no había pagado entrada, me regalé algo para beber.

Aunque la música era principalmente electrónica, yo logré bailar y disfrutar a mi manera. No me gusta mucho la música electrónica, jeje.





















The group I was with was also super quiet. Zero alcohol and zero control. That's something I really like about these girls, because you would think that being in Ibiza you would always be surrounded by people with a very different lifestyle to you, and the truth is that no, those who work here, generally lead a very healthy life.

El grupo con el que estaba también era super tranquil. Cero alcohol y cero descontrol. Eso es algo que me gusta mucho de estas chicas, ya que uno pensaría que por estar en Ibiza está siempre rodeada de personas con un estilo de vida muy diferente al de una, y la verdad es que no, quienes trabajan aquí, llevan una vida muy sana por lo general.







In short, Las Dalias is a very nice party that offers the possibility to relax, dance, enjoy, and connect not only with a very original atmosphere, but also with people who have a unique energy.

En fin, Las Dalias es una fiesta muy linda que ofrece la posibilidad de relajarse, bailar, disfrutar, y conectar con solo con un ambiente muy original, sino también con personas que tienen una energía única.


Worldmappin code: [//]:# (!worldmappin 39.02836 lat 1.55710 long NAMASTE: An evening of friendship in Las Dalias! My first real party in Ibiza d3scr)

I hope you’ve enjoy the post!

Thanks a lot for being here!

With love,


Espero que hayas disfrutado el post!!

Muchas gracias por estar aquí!

Con cariño,


Device: iPhone 12 Pro
Translation: DeepL

Dispositivo: iPhone 12 Pro
Traducción: DeepL




fantastic good party i love the design and this big eye

Yes! It was quite cool! Thanks a lot!


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@hivecurators(3/5) tipped @belug
pirulito.zoado tipped belug


It must have been a spectacular party. I hope you had a lot of fun.
I love the decor.
Hug from Portugal 🇵🇹

Awe!! Thank you!!

It is super lively in there, the colorful decorations and those eyes all over the place 😅. Love the vibe during the night though. It become really something else when the night fall. And seeing a lot of people are having a good time, then this event is a huge success 👏✨🤩

Yes!! It’s a great party really!! Very original and with amazing vibes!

Wow, your experience there is totally awesome. It's cool you found relaxation in such a vibrant atmosphere. Nice place, nice music

Yes!! It was a great experience!! I really had a great time! Thanks a lot for stopping by!

It was a pleasure stopping by good friend

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