(ESP/ENG) Disfrutando de la Visita de Mi familia de Margarita. Enjoying the Visit of my Family from Margarita

in #hive-10804511 months ago

Un saludo muy cordial y cariñoso a toda esa gente de Hive hoy les escribo por este medio como es family y Friends , me gusta mucho este blockchaim porque se puede hablar sobre la familia y amigos y hoy les vengo contar la visita de mi familia y amigos de margarita, estando en la casa ayudando a mis hijos con la tarea entro una llamada de mi primo de margarita que venía a visitar a cumaná y que en la noche me venía a visitar porque tenemos años sin vernos porque la última vez que nos vimos fue porque yo viaje para margarita y compartimos a todo dar , ahora el quiso venir a visitarme porque siempre desde niños fuimos muy pegados viajabamos cuando se podía, tanto así hasta es el padrino de uno de mis hijos, ya nosotros con hijos y familia las cosas han cambiado un poco por eso de la familia las responsabilidades.

A very cordial and affectionate greeting to all the people of Hive today I am writing to you through this medium as it is family and Friends, I really like this blockchaim because you can talk about family and friends and today I come to tell you about the visit of my family and friends from margarita, I was at home helping my children with their homework when I got a call from my cousin from Margarita who was coming to visit Cumana and that he was coming to visit me in the evening because we haven't seen each other for years because the last time we saw each other was because I traveled to Margarita and we shared a lot, Now he wanted to come to visit me because since we were children we were always very close, we traveled whenever we could, so much so that he is even the godfather of one of my children, now with children and family things have changed a little because of the family and responsibilities.

Cuadramos para vernos en que mi mamá porque así saludaría a sus tíos que son mis padres de una sola vez, hay fui para la panadería y compré pan y
compre para hacer un chocolate caliente, nos fuimos toda mi familia para compartir con ellos, mi esposa hizo el chocolate caliente y preparo los panes, se hicieron la hora que dijeron que venían y nada, cuando ya pensaban que no venían ,tocaron el timbre eran ellos les abrimos y lo saludamos y nos dimos un gran saludo por el tiempo sin vernos,su esposa sus hijos con los míos, saludaron a mis padres y nos sentamos a conversar y a contar las anécdotas a nuestros hijos.

We arranged to meet at my mom's house because that way I could greet her uncles and aunts who are my parents all at once, I went to the bakery and bought some bread and
I went to the bakery and bought bread and bought to make a hot chocolate, we went all my family to share with them, my wife made the hot chocolate and prepared the bread, they did the time they said they were coming and nothing, when they thought they were not coming, they rang the doorbell, they were them, we opened and greeted them and gave us a big greeting for the time without seeing us, his wife, his children with mine, greeted my parents and we sat down to talk and tell anecdotes to our children.

Llegó la hora del chocolate caliente y los panes que preparo mi esposa ,les gustó mucho nos lo comimos con ganas y la pasamos super, Luego cuadramos para jugar bingo cantado y nos pusimos a jugar para entretenernos y así pasamos una noche muy alegres, tremendo día en familia y amigos dónde la amistad siempre prevalece , en ese momentos aprovechamos para cuadrar las salidas de compartir mientras estén en cumaná ,para salí en familia ,

It was time for hot chocolate and the bread that my wife prepared, they liked it very much, we ate it with desire and we had a great time, then we arranged to play bingo and we started to play to entertain us and so we spent a very happy night, a great day with family and friends where friendship always prevails, at that time we took the opportunity to arrange outings to share while in Cumana, to go out with the family,

En ese momento hablamos y cuadramos con mi esposa y ellos para ir en familia en semana santa para su casa en margarita y disfrutar de la isla ya que tenemos y tiempo sin ir, así recordaremos nuestras salidas a las bellas playas de margarita ya que mi hijo menor no a tenido la dicha de ir.

At that time we talked and arranged with my wife and them to go as a family during Easter week to their house in Margarita and enjoy the island since we have not been there for a long time, so we will remember our trips to the beautiful beaches of Margarita since my youngest son has not had the joy of going there.






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Nada mejor que reencontrarse con nuestra familia, saludos