Out with the family {EN/ES} De paseo con la familia

in #hive-1080453 months ago

A very long weekend that I could not wait so long for it to end. I was sick for 14 days, I had a bad time at first, then the days went by and it seemed that I was getting better. I felt bad again but very bad and after several days in a row of feeling bad bad bad bad, I was able to recover. I was quite upset with this weekend because the truth is that I wanted to take advantage of the days off with the kids to be able to make some plans together since during the week it is complicated to make plans because of schedules, school etc.

But on Saturday I started to feel better, and on Sunday when I woke up I really felt much better and wanted to go out. So we changed and I invited them out of the house to do something fun and go out a little.

A while back I had seen that there was a traveling proposal for a huge inflatable bed challenge. In fact I think it's the biggest I've ever seen and now they were in town so I thought I'd surprise them with it. We took the bus and went to the Dot, a well known shopping mall. When we got there, the boys' faces dropped in surprise. We asked for tickets to get in and while we were waiting to get in we went to buy a pizza because we hadn't had breakfast. After having pizza for breakfast, we took a walk inside the Dot, because we realized that the part we were in was brand new so we wanted to tour it.

It was time to go play so we went to the inflatable to get started. They were immediately ushered in, and ran out to leave their slippers and start the adventure. They were completely excited with excitement. Seeing their faces of joy and excitement to be about to start this adventure is the cutest thing in the world.

Indeed, when they started they released a lot of happiness. I stood outside watching them from afar and although I could see them very little at first I could feel their joy and enjoyment. For a dad I think that is the greatest satisfaction there is.

Some time passed and I wanted to visit them and see if they were well, so I went in and they were having fun in a special way. They didn't want to stop going in, they finished the lap, had a glass of water and went back into the circuit, they did about 6 laps in 40 minutes. By the time they came out of the last teniana, their faces were already disfigured. That's when I realized it was time to leave. So we went out quietly, had a quiet drink while they cleaned their feet and put on their shoes.

But it didn't end there, when we were leaving I asked them if they wanted to go bowling and they were very enthusiastic about the idea. When we walked in there was a really nice new bowling alley and we went there. Dante had never bowled before so he was very excited about the new experience and he really liked it. And Bruni, although she had already played, was very happy to play and wanted one more game.

We got out of there and both were very happy and tired from all the action. So we went back home and on the way we did the shopping for dinner and snack and that was the end of our weekend.
We were finally able after so many days to feel a little better and save the weekend with an enjoyable and energetic outing.

Un fin de semana larguísimo que no podía esperar tanto para que terminara. Estuve 14 días enferma, la pasé mal al principio, después pasaron los días y parecía que podía ir mejorando. Volví a sentirme mal pero muy mal y después de varios días seguidos de sentirme mal mal mal, me pude recuperar. Estuve bastante contrariado con este fin de semana porque lo cierto es que quería aprovechar con los chicos los días libres para poder hacer algunos planes juntos ya que en la semana es complicado hacer planes por los horarios, colegio etc.

Pero el sábado me empecé a sentir mejor, y ya el domingo cuando me levanté realmente me sentía mucho mejor y con ganas de salir. Entonces nos cambiamos y los invité a salir de casa para hacer algo divertido y salir un poco.

Hacia un tiempo había visto que había una propuesta itinerante de unos desafíos de camas inflables enorme. De hecho creo que es el más grande que vi jamás y ahora estaban en la ciudad asique se me ocurrió sorprenderlos con eso. Nos tomamos el colectivo y nos fuimos hasta el Dot, un centro comercial muy conocido. Cuando llegamos a los chicos se les cayó la cara de sorpresa. Nos pedimos unos tickets para entrar y mientras esperábamos para entrar nos fuimos a comprar una pizza porque no habíamos desayunado. Después de desayunar pizza, dimos una vuelta por dentro del Dot, porque nos dimos cuenta que esa parte en la que estábamos estaba recién estrenada entonces quisimos recorrerlo.

Ya era hora de ir a jugar así que nos fuimos al inflable para comenzar. enseguida los hicieron entrar, y salieron corriendo para dejar sus zapatillas y empezar la aventura. Estaban completamente excitados de la emoción. Ver sus caras de alegría y emoción por estar por empezar con esa aventura es lo más lindo que hay en el mundo.

Efectivamente cuando empezaron liberaron felicidad a montones. Yo me quede afuera mirándolos desde lejos y aunque los podía ver poco en un principio podía sentir su alegría y disfrute. Para un papá creo que es la satisfacción más grande que existe.

Pasó un rato y yo quise ir a visitarlos y saber si estaban bien, así que entré y les estaban divirtiéndose de una manera especial. No querían parar de entrar, Terminaban la vuelta se tomaban un vaso de agua y volvían a entrar al circuito dieron como 6 vueltas en 40 minutos. Cuando salieron de la última teniana ya tenían las caras desfiguradas. Ahí me di cuenta que ya era momento de salir. Asique salimos tranquilos, nos tomamos algo tranquilos mientras se limpiaban los pies, y se ponían el calzado.

Pero no terminó ahí, cuando estábamos yéndonos les pregunté si tenían ganas de ir a jugar bowling y se re coparon en la idea. Cuando entramos había un bowling nuevo re lindo y fuimos allí. Dante nunca había jugado así que estaba muy emocionado con la nueva experiencia y de hecho le re gusto. Y Bruni si bien ya había jugado estaba muy feliz en jugar y quería un partido más.

Salimos de allí y ambos estaban muy contentos y cansados de tanta acción. Así que nos volvimos a casa y de camino hicimos las compras para la cena y la merienda y así terminamos nuestro fin de semana.
Pudimos finalmente después de tantos días sentirnos un poco mejor y salvar el fin de semana con una salida con mucho disfrute y energía.


Divertido paseo éxitos


Wow. This is a perfect occasion to bond with kids. Having fun playing games is an essential part for kids to have an emotional, physical and mental health.

Totalmente agree. Its so important

Keep up the good work. 👏

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