[ESP] Todos los momentos son buenos para amar, compartir y disfrutar
Debo confesar que ese tipo de invitación ocurre con frecuencia; no se necesita tener mucho dinero para pasar momentos gratos con la familia, solo es tener la voluntad de hacerlo. Los momentos gratos los hace uno, las oportunidades para compartir siempre existen, somos nosotros los que nos limitamos, argumentando cualquier excusa.
El tiempo pasa sin detenerse; por esa razón, disfrutar en compañía de nuestros seres queridos no tiene precio y si el inmenso valor de la felicidad compartida.
Estar juntos compartiendo buenos momentos; o no tan buenos, es uno de los motivos que; como familia, tenemos para agradecer infinitamente a Dios.
Hoy doy gracias a Dios por ser la Luz que ilumina mi hogar, por ser quien nos cuida y favorece. Gracias, Señor, gracias 🫂.
[ENG] All moments are good to love, share and enjoy
I must confess that this type of invitation occurs frequently; You don't need to have a lot of money to spend pleasant moments with your family, you just have to have the will to do it. The pleasant moments are made by one, the opportunities to share always exist, we are the ones who limit ourselves, arguing any excuse.
Time passes without stopping; For that reason, enjoying the company of our loved ones is priceless and the immense value of shared happiness is.
Being together sharing good times; or not so good, is one of the reasons that; As a family, we have to thank God infinitely.
Today I thank God for being the Light that illuminates my home, for being the one who cares for us and favors us. Thank you, Lord, thank you .