My friend, a reconquered piece of myself

in #hive-108045last year


Many things are said about friendship, but I want to point out two phrases that I have found out there, who knows where, and they will be the pretext to tell you about a very dear friend, a sister, I would say. Someone I love with all the strength of my heart, although we don't see each other very often and sometimes we even don't speak to each other for days.

A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself

When I read this, the first thing that came to my mind was a name: Li. And well, she also yawns a lot when I'm next to her. Anyone would say that I make her sleepy, however, what they do not know, and I do know, is that Li disarms in my presence. I think all the shields fall off, and the heavy loads that we all usually carry; then she feels light, wanting to rest on a cloud.

Well, the last time we were close I accompanied her to a organoponic that is in... a place in Pinar del Río. Honestly my orientation there is lousy. And she told me: I see things that you don't see, because I look from the outside; I see things that you don't do and could do, because I look from the outside. In the same way it must happen to you with me.

Then she looked at me with her tender little face and bright eyes. I followed her down the path and thought for several minutes about what she had told me.

After a while I took out my camera and caught the moment when she was solving some things for her entrepreneurship, a beautiful project that she and her life partner are carrying out with great determination.

I admire and love her since I met her or saw her at the Federico Engels Vocational School in Pinar del Río. It was a soulmate thing, it just happened like that, although we didn't talk or start relating well until we got to college. There in the scholarship, our lifelong friendship was sealed. I believe that yes, we will be friends for life. Soul friends.

I remember when she moved to a rental here in Havana and there, I went to spend days with her and make mischief, which I better not count here. I was young and the gruesome stories of love affairs and other crazy things in those days were not lacking.

Li was waiting for me at night to tell her everything I had done in my wanderings. She said: let's see, first of all, you eat and she gave me a plate of food, those exotic foods that she liked to prepare... While I ate, I told her everything. The stories of bars, the boardwalk, G and 23, everything, from pi to pa. She would get out of bed just to watch me eat and so I wouldn't feel alone. I think she wanted to protect me from myself.

I can say so much about my friend and at the same time I would like to keep quiet, give her a little blank space on this page, introspection, peace, because it would be like breathing me from silence. Sometimes you also need us to laugh like crazy and get messy, of course.

She has been and is a reconquered piece of myself. I'm paraphrasing that other statement I said I would bring here. What I want to point out is that I believe a friend, or a love, is not that they are different so that they can complement each other, it is quite the opposite. They are the most similar people; they could be armed with pieces of both bodies without losing their essence. Their souls could also be assembled with pieces of one and another and the seams would hardly be noticeable.

If you have another idea of this, I would like to know.

Another memory:

I still have the pieces of paper that Li left me at the scholarship reception. With painted butterflies, to tell me any nonsense and that when I arrived exhausted from the sun and the walk, a smile would be drawn on my face. She was like that and still is, very witty, and always willing to do anything, however minimal it may seem to get me the joy at all costs. Oh, with how heavy I tend to be sometimes. The patience you must have with me!

And well, I also have to say that her mom and dad are special beings that I adore, and her husband and her children-my nephews, loves that I also keep warm in my heart.

One day I will tell you about Marina, anise flower.


Each new friend is a reconquered piece of ourselves.

Friedrich Hebbel


A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself, and especially to feel or not feel. Whatever you're feeling at any time is fine with them. That's what real love means: letting a person be who they really are.

Jim Morrison


Of course this post goes with the usual Hive Power Up - #HivePUD, #HPUD - from earlier this month.

It is a priority because Hive is always a site of satisfactions and opportunities. We are building the future here and I am proud to be involved.

colmena (3).gif


Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx, unless otherwise noted.

My Social Media Icons by Icons8.

All rights reserved ©, 2023.

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Saludos para Liz 😊 que fabulosa mujer, admiro su amistad duradera, sin perder el toque, ni el brillo de la primera vez. Que el universo les colme de felicidad, salud y amor. 🌻

Gracias @eduardo900613, un abrazo para ti. Ella ya recibió tus saludos. 😇

Que bonito, que viva el amor y la amistad!!

¡Que vivaaaa! 😘

A friend is the one who stay with You in your lights and darkes times with no need yo call him. I AM very glad to have that kind of Brotherhood.

Great friends have telepathy. They seek each other out immediately if one is in trouble or is very very happy.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( nanixxx ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

Que bonito registro fotográfico. Me agradan las fotos que hablan por si solas de momentos preciados.

Pues este registro ya está inscrito en Blockchain. Gracias ;)

Friends of my friends are my friends. How nice to know that Li is among those wonderful people in your life. Fate makes good people meet. My foster sister's name is Nani and you appear now, with your skills as a great human being, which I like very much, and besides, a friend of my friends.

Ah, what a coincidence about the name. Because encounters are not coincidences. I believe that everything happens for a reason in life. 😍

Thank you for those kind words. Li is very fond of you, she told me so today when we talked by phone.

is good that the destiny a to the friends. Today vi to Li. see us in the beach jjjjj

The little notes are so funny 😂 How cool it was to leave those messages.
Hahaha, neither I have orthographical problems 😂 {...especially in Spanish 😔}

Haha, ay, qué sería debajo del sticker del gato? 😆
Loreena McKennitt 🎶

You have a beautiful friend Nanixxx, a soulmate and a person who would always support and protect you! You two are a great example of how a true and lifelong friendship should be! 😃

{los mensajes son geniales}

Haha, ay, qué sería debajo del sticker del gato? 😆

I can't get under the spotlight at the moment, hahaha.

Lo mío con Loreena viene de hace muchos años.

Tengo un montón de notas, a lot, pero dicen cada cosa, que no podía traerlas aquí 😂/

Li es maravillosa, sí.

With friend we laugh crazily and we can become messy and we can share anything. There is no judgement in friendship it's totally about understanding. 💗💗💗

It is also said that a friend is that family that you are allowed to choose.

A friend is the one who stay with You in your lights and darkes times with no need yo call him. I AM very glad to have those kind of Brotherhood.

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Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 13
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12

Thanks 😍

It's great to see you contributing to the growth of Hive, @nanixxx. Thank you for participating in Hive Power Up Day!

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Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 13
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - July 2023 Winners List
Women's World Cup Contest - Recap of day 12

Yes! 70 and 100% rewards from this post to HP. Thanks 😇

Hive is always a site of satisfactions and opportunities. We are building the future here and I am proud to be involved.

I quote myself 😅

Congratulations on participating in the PUD @nanixxx. 💪🐝

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🤗 Thank you very much!