Momentos Llenos de Orgullo Domingo Diferente/Moments Full of Pride Sunday Different Sunday

in #hive-1080453 months ago


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Saludos y bendiciones en este comienzo de semana, les quiero contar que Durante toda una semana teniendo mucho estrés por las rutinas diarias me gustó mucho tener un domingo único y diferente a los que hemos pasado, gracias le doy a Dios por siempre tenerme presente en sus momentos bendecidos que me da junto con mi familia.

tener esa posibilidad de sacar a pasear a nuestra hija y poder darle muchos gusto es un orgullo como madre y esposa agradecida infinitamente con mi pareja confidente y amigo @afrofat1 por darnos momentos de alegrías y compartir juntos.

el que puedas dedicarnos todo el tiempo y el amor es algo maravilloso e importante, apesar de nuestros altos y bajos, siempre hemos podido enfrentar los obstáculos y es algo que me llene de alegría poder estar contigo y ya tener varios años juntos es un logro y meta que muchos no tienen, poder darle una educación, dedicación y amor a nuestra hija no tiene precio poder darle una estabilidad llena de humildad y de grandes esfuerzos para ella es algo que siempre valdrá la pena, todo sacrificio tiene su recompensa y ojala que podamos estar nueva juntos ya que tu trabajo es por fuera siemore te vamos a extrañar y querer mucho esto es algo por corto tiempo y espero que pronto Dios pueda darnos una gran bendición y oportunidad de poder seguir adelantey tener nuestra casita y todo los logros que nos propongamos.

Muchas veces no es fácil estar en un país donde no hay una situación financiera buena, todo está en la fé y certeza de lo que esperamos pronto pueda llegar y confiadamente estoy preparada para esa grande recompensa que viene en camino, gracias a todos por su apoyo y agradecida con ustedes mis queridos lectores.


Welcome to my Blog

Greetings and blessings at the beginning of the week, I want to tell you that during a whole week having a lot of stress due to daily routines, I really liked having a Sunday that was unique and different from the ones we have spent. I thank God for always having me present in his Blessed moments that it gives me together with my family. Having that possibility of taking our daughter for a walk and being able to give her lots of pleasure is a source of pride as a mother and wife, infinitely grateful to my partner, confidant and friend @afrofat1 for giving us moments of joy and sharing together. The fact that you can dedicate all your time and love to us is something wonderful and important, despite our ups and downs, we have always been able to face obstacles and it is something that fills me with joy to be able to be with you and to have several years together is an achievement and A goal that many do not have, being able to give our daughter an education, dedication and love is priceless, being able to give her stability full of humility and great efforts for her is something that will always be worth it, every sacrifice has its reward and I hope we can being new together since your job is outside we are always going to miss you and love you very much this is something for a short time and I hope that soon God can give us a great blessing and opportunity to be able to move forward and have our little house and all the achievements that it has given us. let's propose Many times it is not easy to be in a country where there is not a good financial situation, everything is in the faith and certainty of what we hope can soon arrive and I am confidently prepared for that great reward that is on the way, thank you all for your support . and grateful to you my dear readers. THE FAMILY A UNIQUE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE😍

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