in #hive-1082782 years ago

the rules that stands as a life guide are somewhat unique but at the same time looks weird to everyone from just a mare glance at it. I as an individual I've been making use and implementing this "EXPECT DISAPPOINTMENT AND YOU WON'T GET DISAPPOINTED" trust me this phrase has been of help to me in so many ways I didn't expect.


whenever we're expecting something tangible from someone either from our close relatives, friends or just a strangers, we tend to put all our hope and mind on whatever thing we've been expecting to get from the person and if at the end I didn't get the thing or probably what I'm expecting from the person I always feel very bad, hurt emotionally or even heartbroken sometimes so it kept going on like that for years I can barely remember.

at some point in time I felt the problem was me not doing the right thing or taking the proper steps for those things but then, I remember I'm dealing with humans and we're bound to fail at some point in our journey of life. I've had series of disappointment almost from every angle of life, trust me they can be very disheartening and overwhelming.

Now I'm going to share a life incident about this issue.
before my admission to college, I've been trying all possible best to get a job just to raise funds for college when I get admitted. I tried everything possible I also called some well connected relatives that might be of assistance to me but all to no avail, they all failed in getting me a good job, not that they were not able to get me one but they didn't heed to my call when I asked for help from them, I stopped hunting for jobs because i had high hopes in them and I also put all my trust in them as well but I was greatly disappointed.

I believe God is the only one that can guarantee you huge success in life and no disappointment. so back to the story, while sitting at home practically doing nothing, a call from an unknown number called and ask if this is the right person they're calling and I replied saying yes, they proceeded by saying this is the same company I came to perform for a musical concerts sometimes ago and I confirmed to it. they said they're planning on holding similar musical concerts that I should come and play for them.
so I went there and do my thing and after the end of the ceremony, they loved my performance and offered me a permanent job in other for them to seal my beautiful relationship with them and I accepted, and I got employed as an craft engineer.

Now what I'm saying in essence is trust only God cause humans are bound to fail, it's our nature right from the beginning of our existence. I wasn't expecting the huge offer I got from the company but I was favored by God through man.

so basically when I had my trust and hopes on man I was disappointed simply because I was literally expecting favors from them but I get it. so expect less and you won't get disappointed or disheartening by the outcome of everything.

We humans invest so much of our money and so many other things that needs to yield increase after investing and we believe it should come out with good increase after investment, yes we should hope for that but we should also at least put it at the back of mind that this life we live in is full of ups and downs, it can come out just like how we've hoped for it and it can also come out the other way round which is the negative part. I'm not trying to discourage us in going for what we really like or what can be of good benefits to us but my advice is never rely on just a thing or a human we can get heartbroken. So my point is trust less and avoid huge pain or disappointed.


Yay! 🤗
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