Alien colourful wall art (Original digitalart I post New creations daily)

in #hive-108278last year

kgakakillerg original content

Hi everyone good morning good afternoon good evening 👋🏾

I really can't stand seeing people being used online it's disgusting especially seeing poor people being used online

It's nice when people donate to the poor but becomes a bit bad when you see people being used to promote something it's not right

I don't like seeing people being used online for a very small bit of change really

The thing is once you put stuff online it's there forever

It's good when people donate to the poor and don't ask for anything in return

Anonymous donates are genuine as they don't want nothing in return

Now days woman and men are being used online selling themselves for penny's really it's disgusting and it really needs to stop

Ok now let's get straight into the digital art I created

So as usual I didn't use no photo manipulation no Ai and I didn't take no inspiration from anyone or anywhere

When I like to create I just go with the flow that's definitely the most creative way to create and it's always the most rewarding

So now it's time to think of a name for these creations 🤔💡

I think I will call these creations Alien colourful wall art

Ok now that's a great name what's your thoughts on the name and would you call these creations something else

You can find one of my favourite versions right at the top of this post

kgakakillerg original content

Here's the first version I created

kgakakillerg original content

Here's the second version I created

kgakakillerg original content

Here's the third and final version I created

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