Raven - Digital Drawing


From my animal series, I present to you my new art work. It's a drawing of a wildlife creature known as "Raven".

This specie of bird is noted for its all black color and are usually found in the Northern Hemisphere. Here, I drew one looking up with its mouth wide open as though it is passing a message.

This drawing was done with AutoDesk sketchbook application and with the aid of Note 10+ as my device. You can find my step by step processes below:

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Thank you.


Here I am, always envious with your talent. <3

Hehe, please don't be. I know you can do better😄
Thank you!

hehe, no practice. :D

Ahhh, why?😆

Different priorities haha

Hehe, I see😆

Just learned a lot about ravens from a falconer. These little guys are super smart. Yet, in art, they always seem indicative of something dark.

Good to know. And yeah, they are. Their color doesn't stop them from hitting their prowess.

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for the support. I appreciate.