Lighting-up, West Kennet Long Barrow. 2015

in #hive-1089132 years ago

Hi Ho Hiveans,
Another exciting week gone by with more Light Painting adventures at the weekend, but I'm continuing to post from the archive until I catch up.

Still looking at images taken in 2015, from my Flickr account. Another great subject matter is the plethora of Pre-historic sites scattering the UK, almost all of which are accessible 24hrs a day. Perfect for a Light Painting session.
Divider 5.pngB & W. West Kennet Long Barrow (Pre-Historic Chambered Burial Mound)

May 2015
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West Kennet Long Barrow is located in a field in Wiltshire UK just a short walk from the A4. One of the largest, most impressive and most accessible Neolithic chambered tombs in Britain. Built in around 3650 BC, it was used for a short time as a burial chamber, nearly 50 people being buried here before the chambers were blocked. Surrounded by farmland and many other Pre-historic sites in the near vicinity, like Avebury Stone Circle and Silbury Hill. Is always worth a visit and admission is free!
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Outside the Chamber
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This trip out to West Kennet was the start of Light Painting trips further afield and away from what I would have considered as "local". Since then I have regularly travelled around the UK to visit locations and met-up with many other Light-Painters for nights of waving lights around. This shot also shows my early "Light Plants" that eventually evolved with different tools and learning new techniques.

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Inside the Chamber
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I Hope you have enjoyed my post, It is great going through these old shots.

Keep Creating

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Lightpainting is a photographic technique in which exposures are made by moving a hand-held light source while taking a long exposure photograph, either to illuminate a subject or to shine a point of light directly at the camera, or by moving the camera itself during exposure. Nothing is added or removed in post processing.
Single exposure Light Art Photography /nolayer /notricks /nophotoshop
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Give the Lightpainters United Community a follow and you will be introduced into the world of light painting.
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You will find innovative and original light painting from various artists from all over the world. Have a look at the profiles of some very active Lightpainter in the group: Mafu Fuma - Oddballgraphics - Fade to Black - DAWN - Chris Thompson - Mart Barras - Stefan Stepke - Nikolay Trebukhin - Leetodd - Stabeu Light - Maxime Pateau - Stephen Sampson - lightandlense - Neil Rushby Divider 1.png
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Thank U for your support and keep shining!


Hi @lacelight,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord

love the simplicity!

Often I feel overwhelmed by "too much" in light paintings.. :)

@tipu curate

Thanks for the kind words, gotta admit that I often put a little "too much" in some of my more recent images. Keeping it simple is definitely a discipline in itself.

Absolutely love the image with the light-flowers and the sparking rock. It’s almost like a real life cartoon! Brilliant work.

Thanks for the kind comments. 😁

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.

Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?