Look who is here after a brief visit with @ravenmus1c today! It's Matilda!
We are going to have so much fun together, wielding our rolling pins and other kitchen implements in the fight against, well, whoever is up for a fight I guess? But first of course we'll be celebrating her arrival with the drink both she and I like best, and none of us care if this is not the proper kind of glass of for it. Cheers!
Since I'm posting this in Food & Culture, I'd better say something about the history of this drink. I'll start with what I've heard from others: Gin and Tonic was invented by the British invaders of India and Southeast Asia as a drink to cure malaria, or at least alleviate the symptoms. The gin part makes you drunk, and the tonic contains quinine which might actually help. But quinine is so bitter that they diluted it in sugar water to be able to drink it. Later on someone invented sugared bubble water, and hey, this is good! Since then the drink has spread across the world, and every bartender has their own way to make it.
And here's a bit of culture: A former Swedish diplomat turned author, Jan Mårtensson, has his protagonist mix Martinis and express his thoughts about he different versions in almost every book, if not all of them. I'm not sure if those books are what made G&T a relatively popular drink here, or if there were other influences. A Martini is just a G&T with vermouth added, after all. I do know they influenced me - every book has a recipe in the afterwords, and if the food is good, the drink probably is too.
Spending a few minutes with wikipedia to check my facts... turns out I wasn't entirely taught lies :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gin_and_tonic#History
It's getting late now, and I think it's time for sleep.
Thank you so much @tengolotodo for introducing me to Matilda, otherwise I'd never have known to invite her to my home. And thank you @ravenmus1c for letting me exchange my Discord prize for this lovely lady! (You're a lovely lady too, and next time I'll not let your card go! ) And lastly, thank you hiccup hiqu hick #hiqsters people for publishing your magazine. Every time I read it, I realize that I have no idea what's going on, and no chance to figure it out.