I saw different kinds of Abenads in the mirror all through 2024 in different situations. But the one thing that never changed was what I stood for. I always say part of the reason why I am who I am today is because I grew up from a home where there was abundance of love.
Last year, I went through relationship tests. Not even romantic ones. Just friendships, acquaintances and all those ships. I call them tests because I believe they were just stepping blocks to meeting really great people this year so I had to be ready for anything of that sort. I had to be equipped with the wisdom to solve these issues anytime and I can’t wait.
Each time I went through these hurdles with a friend, I never fought back. No matter how hurt they made me, I always showed love. It was on just one occasion that I just let go of the relationship because it felt like the person was sent after my life actually. Haha.
Looking all through 2024, I realized that even though I always say I’m easily influenced by people, the one thing nobody can change about me is the love I give. I was brought up to show love in all situations and that’s my reflex in every situation. Most times even when I am on the offended side, I’m quick to give excuses for the offender and apologize just so sleeping dogs would lie. I’m quick to be there for people when I have my own pile of issues to deal with.
Unfortunately, I learned that the world doesn’t even care about any of these. People don’t care if you move heaven and earth for them. People don’t care what good of a person you are, they’ll still take advantage any least chance they get.
Putting what I learned about myself and what the world really is together, I’m really going to be myself. Enough of worrying about if this person is worth my love or not. I’m done with wondering if someone is trying to take advantage of my support. I know how important I am and will always help those who need and truly appreciate my presence. Give them all the love they need. On the other hand, any time, I feel I’m at the wrong place or with the wrong people, I’m going to do my best to withdraw.
In as much I learned something beautiful about myself, I also learned the other thing I needed to know about the world. As I said, the world won’t be the reason why I would throw away something I stand for so I’m definitely going to do my best to strike that balance.
Images are mine