It is important to know that not all illness, pain or discomfort you feel in the body requires a particular drug you feel it right for it. Each illness or discomfort requires a special attention of diagnosis and test running from a medical personnel to get it cured and treated and the reason is because there are symptoms that pertains to a particular illness that you might not be aware of, so going to see a qualified medical personnel will aid speed to your recovery journey.
So now, BoldDRUG ABUSE is the excessive usage of drug in relief to a particular illness or discomfort without the prescription of a medical personnel to give thorough instructions on what to do.
Drug abuse is the use of certain medications to satisfy the feelings of ecstasy to feel alright or boost the confidence of the individual consuming it.
Let talk about BoldDRUG MISUSE
Drug misuse is the usage of drugs not according to the dosage prescribed by a medical personnel.
Drug misuse is the usage of drugs in an overdose system or in a less prescribed manner.
Drug abuse and drug misuse are self destructive as it can stand in as a breach to the proper functioning of the health system and also influence the social, physical and psychological activity of an individual.
If care is not taken drug abuse and the misuse of drug can lead to drug addiction,where by, an individual is addicted to taking a particular drug regularly, constantly and at any point he feels needs it.
Drug abuse and drug misuse is not the best option to an individual, it is always best when we see a professional medical personnel to get us tested and treated whenever we feel any form of discomfort in our body rather than taking laws into our hands by taking medications we feel is suitable for what we feel.
Do not have forget the fact that health is wealth and you can only make impact in your rightful living state.
Prioritizing our health is the essential key to productivity in life.
Photo credit: Canva.